Chapter 32- Black mail; The first 24 hours part 2: Yugi and Yami break up

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Previously on The love of the Naga Master and the Pure Hearted Angel.

"Whatever it is, both of you are not getting my cafe or my other hotel at Shibuya." Yami said.

"That's just it, you either cease this activity you got going on with Yugi Moto and let me come back to work for you so that you and Awai can get back together, or we'll tell the media all about your affairs with him and everything you own will be mine." Yoshino said.

"Are both of you trying to black mail me?" Yami asked.

"Yes, we are." Yoshino answered.

"And if both of you don't break up, Yugi Moto won't be safe with you anymore. In fact, those who know you won't be safe anymore. So you have a choice, break up with Yugi Moto and be with me, give Jiro his job back, or this chemistry you have with Yugi Moto will go out to the media and he and everyone else will die." Awai said.

Yami was in a cross road between saving his relationship with Yugi or breaking up with him in order to save his life, as well as everyone elses lives and everything he owned.

"We're going part ways for now, I'll surrender the cafe to Yoshino, pretend that I'm back with Awai and file a police report on them." Yami said.

"And then, you and me?" Yugi asked.

"We'll get back together, I made promise that I'll protect you and I'm keeping that promise." Yami said.

"So, what am I going to do in the mean time?" Yugi asked.

"Like I said, we'll part ways for now, I'll have my servants take you to Ryou's apartment so can be safe for a while, I'll come get you when this is over." Yami. said.

"Okay, don't forget me." Yugi said.

"I won't." Yami said as he started calling Shadi and told him to come pick up Yugi and take him to Ryou's apartment.

"If he's going to file a police report, then he knows who killed one of the guests at Sennen's Marriott 1." Ryou said.

"Of course he know who killed one of the guests at Sennen Marriott 1, it was Jiro Yoshino, even I know that." Bakura said.

"Well, that explains the investigators looking for clues to who the killer could be." Ryou said.

"That's why Yami said he was going to file a police report, because he knew Mr. Yoshino killed those people at Sennen's Marriott 1 just to get even with him for firing him to protect me." Yugi said.

"Yugi, you know everything Yami did was for you." Ryou said.

"I know, and now he's risking everything to keep me safe. If he's going to lose everything he owns for me, then I shouldn't be here." Yugi said sadly.

"What are you saying Yugi?" Ryou asked.

"I'm saying, that I should move back home to Domino city and help my grandpa run the game shop." Yugi said sadly.

Ryou and Bakura was at a loss for words when Yugi said he should move back home.

Meanwhile, Yami sensed that Yugi was at the end of his rope and he sensed that he doesn't want anything to do with getting himself killed by Yoshino and Awai and have him to keep protecting him.

"Now that you got Yugi out of the way, you got 24 hours to rehired me, let me at the cafe and back together with Awai." Yoshino said.

"And if I don't?" Yami asked.

"You already know what's going to happen, rehire me and let me work here and back together with Awai. The first 24 hours starts now." Yoshino said as he and Awai walked away, leaving Yami with a heart breaking decision.

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