17. The Mandarin

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Months had past and December had already begun. Nat and Clint were on a mission in Europe, Bruce was on vacation in Africa and Steve had bought his own place. So I was alone at the tower, luckily I would be spending New Year in Malibu. We had changed the plan of me going for Christmas. I visited Steve a lot, helping him catch up with everything. The internet was a big revelation for him. Once he knew how it worked he looked up everything he could think of. He was of course shocked about JFK's assassination, confused by the politics and surprised by how different the music was from the 40s.

It was a few days before Christmas and I was watching Jamie Oliver make a roasted turkey on TV. I needed inspiration if I wanted to invite people over. From the people I asked only Steve and Doreen were free, and I was still contemplating on asking Wade. I wasn't sure if he and Steve would get along. Right when Jamie Oliver put the turkey in the oven the screen turned to a colourful one, but on it was the logo of the Ten Rings, and international terrorist organization. I looked at it in shock, I didn't know what was happening. They were the people who had kidnapped my dad a few years before. I was scared, hoping he wouldn't appear on the screen. I was relieved when I saw he wasn't, it was a man I didn't know. He gave a speech. 

" Some people call me a terrorist, I consider myself a teacher. America, ready for another lesson. In 1864 in Sand Creek Colorado the U.S. military waited till the friendly Cheyenne braves all gone hunting, waited to attack and slaughter their families left behind, and claim their land. Thirty-nine hours ago the Ali Al Salem Air Base in Kuwait was attacked. I...I...I did that. A quaint military church filled with wives and children, of course. The soldiers were out on maneuver, the braves were away. President Ellis you continue to resist my attempts to educate you, sir. And now, you've missed me again. You know who I am, you don't know where I am, and you'll never see me coming."

When the footage ended I immediately switched the channel to the news. They were all talking about The Mandarin. President Ellis addressed the threat. " Central to my Administration's response to this terrorist event, is a newly minted resource. I know him as Colonel James Rhodes, the American people will soon know him as the Iron Patriot." I switched to Bill Maher's show " And how is President Ellis responding? By taking the guy they call War Machine and giving him a paint job." I switched again, this time Joan Rivers was talking about the suit on 'The Fashion Police'. " Same suit, but painted red, white, and blue. Look at That. And they also renamed him Iron Patriot. You know, just in case the paint was too subtle." I turned off the TV and decided to call dad.

He picked up and I immediately asked if he had seen it. " I did." he said, he sounded tired. " Are you okay?" I asked him, worried. " Yeah I'm fine, why?" he asked. " You sound tired. How long has it been since you've slept?" I asked him. " 72 hours." he sighed. " I know it's scary, but you need to sleep dad." I told him. I knew he had nightmares about New York, but he couldn't not sleep. " I just can't." he said annoyed at his own tiredness " Every time I close my eyes I wake up in complete panic." " Then go see a therapist." I told him. " Gosh you sound just like Pepper." he told me. " That's a compliment." I told him. " You still coming over for New Years?" he asked me, changing the subject. " I am." I told him. " You better have a good present for me cause I found you the best one yet." He told me. " Please tell me it's not a cowboy hat." I said. I could hear him laugh " You'll see." he said. For 13 years he had been giving me cowboy hats. Every one uglier or more eccentric than the one before. I had bought him a coca cola bottle made out of pure gold. Written on it was 'Share a coke with the best dad'. 

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