25. You're you

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When we were finally done we made our way back to the castle. We saw that ships had flown into it. We ran inside as fast as we could. Thor was incredibly fast, when I entered the room he had run to he, Odin and Jane were in there. They were looking at something. Frigga's lifeless body, Odin kneeling next to her, holding her in his arms.

That night there was a funeral for Frigga and all the fallen guards. Before going out to the water I stopped Odin on his trail. " Allfather, I think prince Loki should be attending the funeral." He looked at me with his one eye, " He's a prisoner, and a prisoner he will stay." he stated coldly. " Are you serious?" I asked, his guards seemed shocked that someone would question their king's decisions. " Excuse me?" he asked. " She was his mother. How can you not let him attend the funeral of the one person he ever loved?!" I was quite annoyed at him. " If he loved her he wouldn't have gotten himself locked up." he no said in a booming loud voice. I was taken aback by his force, he was truly scary at that moment. " Wauw," I said looking at him " You really are the worst father someone could ask for." With that I walked outside and followed the mass of people that was on their way to the funeral.

It was already dark outside, and the mood had fallen. At the edge of the city the boats with the bodies were put in water and pushed out. Odin shot a flaming arrow at Frigga's boat, a second later the other boats got shot at as well. Odin hit his scepter to the ground and the boat floated over the waterfall for a moment. Frigga's body transformed into stars that filled the sky. A lot of people were holding balls of light, who they let up into the air. It was a beautiful funeral. I couldn't sleep that night, so I walked around the castle and found a little balcony to sit on. There was a light breeze that cooled the warm night sky. I was looking over the city, travelling in my own mind.

The loss of Frigga made me think about my own mother? How I felt when she moved away. I had cried my eyes out the day she left, I thought I was never gonna see her again. I missed her every day and cried every night. Dad would try to comfort me, but it wouldn't change the fact she had moved away from us to be with another man. To me my stepdad had always been the guy who had destroyed my family. When I grew older I knew it wasn't his fault, but when I was younger I blamed him for everything.

" Can't sleep?" Thor asked walking onto the balcony. I shook my head. He sat down beside me. " I'm really sorry about your mom." I told him. He smiled lightly, a sad smile. " She's in Valhalla now." he said looking up at the night sky. He was hurt, I could see it in his eyes. But he started about a new topic. " So," he said " How are the rest of the Avengers?" He hadn't really asked about them when I arrived. " They're good." I told him " Dad got himself into some trouble again, but he fixed it. The rest are just, living their lives." We spend the rest of the night talking about everything that had happened in our lives, until I was finally tired enough to go to sleep.

The next day I got the news that the Bifrost was closed on Odin's orders. I was supposed to leave the day after that, but now I couldn't. I made my way to the prison. I needed to know if someone had told Loki what had happened. When I walked in I could see that all his furniture was toppled over and he was sitting against the back wall. His eyes looked like he had been crying. " I told Odin you should've been there." I said sitting down. He was silent. " Are you okay?" I asked him. He was quiet for a moment. " How did it happen?" he asked looking at me. " One of Malekith's servants, stabbed her." I told him. " She was the reason Odin didn't kill me." he said " If it wasn't for her I wouldn't be here... And I couldn't save her." He looked down in regret " It's my fault." " It's not your fault Loki." I told him " Not even Odin and Thor could save her." " She was the only one that cared about me." he said, with hurt in his voice. I looked at him, his pale figure against that white prison wall. And I couldn't help but feel for him. " If it's of any help, you should know that, I care." I told him. He looked up. " You do?" he asked, confused. " Yeah, we get along don't we? I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you." I told him. " You keep surprising me with your kindness Grace." he said coming to sit closer to the force field. " You're not that bad yourself." I told him " I expected you to be this arrogant, bossy twat. But you've surprised me." " And I expected you to be a nosy little girl. Which you definitely aren't." he said looking into my eyes. I got a weird feeling, something I had never felt before. It was like my heart was beating faster than normally and my stomach had this weird feeling inside of it. " Oh god." I said worried breaking eye contact. Did I have a crush on Loki? The guy who tried to take over Earth? " What's wrong?" he asked " I felt like we were connecting there." I said while looking at him again. " So what's the problem?" he asked. " That's the problem, I can't fall for you." I said feeling stupid, he had charmed me. " Why not?" he asked. " You're you." I told him. " A fallen prince?" he asked. " The guy who invaded New York. My dad almost died because of you. You're a god, you live for thousands of years and your life is here. Even if you get out if this cell, you're still an Asgardian. And I'm a human." I explained to him. He looked at me " If I ever get out of here, we could make it work." he told me. Where did this come from all of the sudden?" My dad would kill me." I told him. " I won't let that happen ." he smiled. And before I knew it I had fallen for him, hard and fast. It was something I had never felt before. It wasn't just a crush, I cared about him. I got why he did what he did. His past and how he had always felt like an outsider. But somewhere deep inside there was a little voice warning me. What if he was just playing with my emotions? He was the god of mischief after all. 

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