Who's the girlfriend?

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  • Dedicated to Charlie O'Hagan

"Right. So you girls go pack up your stuff and then we can go!" Liam immediately took charge. 

"Where are we gonna meet and stuff though?" Erica asked.

"We'll drop you ladies off at your houses and you just rush in and pack your bra and panties" Harry explained adding a wink and sneeking a sideways glance at Erica. 

 "Come on boys, party at my place. All- American style. Non of that British tea and crap" Josh said leading the way out of the arena. 

 "The corndogs are sure delish in America" I heard Niall said to himself. We soon followed Josh and his crew outside to be greeted by the huge 1D tour bus. Josh and co. were nowhere to be seen. We all piled into the bus admiring the lush interior design.

"Harry, why don't you give them a tour?" Zayn suggested while smiling shyly at Mia. Mia smiled broadly back. 

"Here are the bathrooms, and this is my bedroom" Harry gestured to the open door. "This is-"

"MY bedroom" Louis interuppted. "And noone is allowed in here because you'll be invading my privacy"

Harry glared at Louis before continuing.  "ANYWAY, upstairs is Liam, Zayn and Niall's room and the kitchen is in Niall's room. Don't ask. Then the front is where our driver sits which is sometimes me, and sometimes our actual bus driver. I can't remember his name. Something like Bob. SPONGEBOB! No. I think it was Bob." Harry's brow furrowed as he thought for a while. "No. I think his name is Bob. Not Spongebob. Just Bob." For some reason, that made me laugh. Maybe this trip wouldn't be so bad after all.  They definitely seemed like genuinely nice guys. 

"Right, last stop. Lily's house." Louis shouted. We had already stopped at Erica's, Zoe's and Mia's houses. Mine was the last. "Okayy. Start packing!" Louis screamed in my ear. Not only was my right ear still hurting from Mia's shouting fromt the phone, but not my left ear hurt from Louis.

I stumbled out of the bus and ran into my house fumbling with the keys for a while. I ran all the way upstairs and hunted for my favourite purple suitcase. I hurriedly stuffed some essentials into the bag and in no time, I was done.

Now to tell Charlie. "Charlie?" I called as I inched open his door. I stopped astounded at the scene before me. Charlie and this girl were sitting on Charlie's bed... making out. I gave a little squeak and quickly shut the door. Unfortunately, I must have shut the door pretty loud and soon Charlie was standing in the doorway staring at me. After a minutes silence, he cleared his throat "Lily, this is Kim. She's been my girlfriend for a while." 

Kim was one of those perfect people that could wear a plastic bag and still look amazing. She had black hair that reached the small of her back and dark brown eyes that filled with warmth when she smiled at me.

"Hello Lily" she held out her hand which I shook. Charlie cleared his throat again. 

"Oh. Yeah. Charlie. Um. One Direction asked me, Zoe, Erica and Mia to hang out with them for half a  year. Is that okay?" Charlie stared at me as if I was nuts.


"They're not strangers, they're One Direction!" I protested. "and it's not a year, it's half a year"

"Wait. One Direction?" Kim interuppted.

"Yeah. That's us." Harry spoke as he sauntered into the hallway.

"Harry! Get out of my house! You're meant to be waiting in the bus anyway!" I said.

"First, who is this hot woman? Second, who's the dude? Third, I don't want to get out of your house. Fourth, I don't want to be deafened by Louis' constant shouting. Fifth, why are you taking so long?"

"First, that's Kim. Second, that's my brother, Charlie. Third, I'm taking so long because of of-" I stammered blushing at the memory of walking into Charlie and Kim kissing.

"Harry!! Can I please come with them?" Kim pleaded staring lovingly at the pop star in front of her.

Harry thought for a moment. "Okay" he said. 

"EEE!!! CHARLIE YOU'RE COMING TOO RIGHT?!" Kim screamed in excitement.

"Um...I guess?" Charlie answered bewildered. I could tell he had never seen Kim react like this before. It was funny yet scary at the same time.  

30 minutes later, we had sorted everything out. Mums had been called, suitcases had been packed and the bus was ready to go. "Hey!! Kim! Can you pass the salad bowl over?" Niall called with his mouth full of Nandos.  

"Sure" Kim smiled at him, handing over the salad.

"...and then I told the fan all serious- like  that I was a carrot!" Louis exclaimed before both Harry and Louis burst into laughter. "And what was funnier was the poor guy actually believed me!" That made them laugh harder. 

"Yo! I'm trying to eat here!" Zoe called glaring pointedly at the two teary eyed boys. Individual chatter soon turned into group chatter and in minutes we were laughing at Louis' jokes.

"Hey! I got one! Why did the chicken cross the road?" Niall beamed. We all sat waiting for the answer.

"Because he wanted Nandos!" Niall burst out laughing but stopped when he realised he was the only one laughing.

"Right..." Louis' face was hilarious and soon we were all cracking up again.

The faint snores surrounding me were comforting as I snuggled deeper into the blankets. We were all in Harry's room which was by far, the biggest room there was on the bus. Today had been amazing no doubt about that. 

As Long As You Love Me (A Justin Bieber and One Direction SEQUEL- BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now