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  • Dedicated to Ai Kumar

Harry's POV

"Thanks to you, Zayn is in hospital" I heard Liam say glaring at Justin. What? 

I looked at Justin who just looked confused and worried as well as a little scared. Who wouldn't when someone was shooting daggers at you like how Liam was.

"Why is Zayn in the hospital?" I asked among the bickering going on. Justin had finally had enough of being told off for things he didn't know he had done and was in the middle of a heated shouting match with Liam.

Liam ignored me and kept shouting while Niall watched. Josh, Erica, Danielle, Eleanor, Louis, Kim, Mia, Zach and Zoe were all watching the argument as well as that was what was catching the attention of nearly everyone around them. The only person who took any notice of me was Lily and Henry. 

Henry answered for me. "He's in the hospital"

"NO SHIT. I KNOW THAT. I WANT TO KNOW WHY HE IS IN THE HOSPITAL. WHY?!" I shouted at him. Liam and Justin stopped shouting to look at me along with everyone else. 

"Um... Sorry" I said sheepishly. They kept staring. I sighed.

"Liam. WHY is Zayn in the hospital?" I asked calmly. 

Surprisingly, Liam answered back as calmly as me. "Because..."

...*Flashback to when Justin, Harry and Lily left Nandos to go shopping*...

Liam's POV

"Bye" Justin said walking off to go shopping.

"Wait!" Lily called after him running off while Harry followed.

I chuckled. Harry definitely fancied Lily. It was pretty obvious. 

"Don't you guys think that Harry and Lily would be cute together?" Niall said voicing what I was thinking.

Erica, Mia, Josh, Henry and Zoe shook their heads. "Naa. I think Justin and Lily would be better. Dotcha think?" Henry said speaking for all five of them. 

Zach stayed silent and his face remained emotionless.

"No. I believe that Harold would be better" Zayn said with supporting nods from the Louis, Eleanor, Danielle, me and Niall. 

The rest of the time was spent arguing over who was better with who until our meal came. 

"Erm. The whole menu?" the wairess said trying to balance 7 trays of food and at the same time, rolling a wheely thingy that fancy restaurants have with more food on. 

"Yep!" Niall said cheerfully licking his lips and taking the food. "Thanks! You just made Niall a happy bunny!" 

The waitress just smiled at him and walked off to get Louis' food, which was as well, the whole menu. Jeez. How were we gonna fit all this on the table?

As if to answer my question, when Louis' food had arrived and had been put on the table, we heard a crack and the whole table broke in two. 

"I knew it" I muttered.

"NO! MY FOOD. IT CAN'T BE WASTED! QUICK! 5 SECOND RULE!" Niall said while he and Louis crawled on the floor eating bits of peri peri chicken. 

People all around us that were eating stared at us while I put my head in my hands. 

"Right. We're going to cook some food in the kitchen. I can't stand this anymore" I said standing up and dragging the two food lovers off the floor. 

During the drive to the hotel, I had a nagging feeling that I had forgotten something... oh shoot. Harry, Justin and Lily. 

"You do realise that we've just left Harry, Justin and Lily back at the shopping centre right?" I said glancing back at the people who had frozen and were now staring at me in horror. 

As Long As You Love Me (A Justin Bieber and One Direction SEQUEL- BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now