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  • Dedicado a Josh Henderson

Louis' POV

We all went to the waiting room to wait for news on Lily's condition. I had thought that Charlie would have been there, but strangely he wasn't. When we entered the room, I could immediately sense that something was wrong. The others however, seemed completely oblivious so I just ignored it.

"Guys? Where do you think Charlie is?" I said casually trying not to think of the bad feeling I was getting.

"I don't know. And really, I'm glad he isn't. One less mad person to deal with" Harry said. Justin was staring off into space and only looked up when the door opened.

"It's good news" I heard. Pheww. So the bad feeling was not actually bad. It was probably just me.

"She has only broken 2 ribs, fractured her skull, broken her leg, twisted her wrist, has numerous bruises and cuts on her back and is in a coma" Okay. Maybe I was right about that bad feeling.

"WHAT? YOU CALL THAT GOOD NEWS?!" Justin shouted at the doctor who seemed unfazed.

"Well. Considering we thought she would die we think it is pretty good news" the doctor shrugged. I looked closely at the doc. He looked familiar...

"Can we at least see her?" Justin continued.

"Yes. But not all of you. Only 1 person at a time" the doctor looked at all of us. Wait. Was it just me or did he looked at Harry almost... lovingly? What was that about?

I looked at Justin and saw him scrutinizing the doctor face. HA! So it wasn't just me then. The doctor did look like someone we knew. If only we knew who.

"I think Charlie should go in first." I said before realising he still wasn't here. "CHARLIE?!!??!" I called out. No answer. Well, had to give it a shot.

"Who is this Charlie that you speak of?" the doctor said trying not to laugh. I glared at him and my eyes widened when I realised who the doctor was. Oh. My. God.


I stared at the Kate and she stared back at me before narrowing her eyes clearly threatening me. I turned to face the others.

"Guys. This doctor is not who we think he is" I glanced at Kate who looked ready to hit me.

"It's Kate" I quickly finished before I saw her arm raise but then quickly drop when everyone looked at her.

"What do you mean. Who is Kate?" Kate feigned surprise.

"YES! THAT'S IT! IT IS YOU. KATE!" Justin shouted recognition in his eyes. "I knew I'd recognised you but I couldn't remember where I'd seen you!"

"Boys... GET HER!" I screamed. We all rushed towards Kate who backed away quickly and took out a gun from her coat.

"BACK AWAY OR I'LL SHOOT!" she screamed holding us at gunpoint.

"Oh yeah? You'll be charged for murder bitch" Kim glared at her.

"Yeah. We're her best friends. We'd die for her" Mia said.

"We don't care about that gun cause if you shoot, you will get sent to JAIL!" Erica screeched.

"AND YOU BELONG THERE!" Zoe screamed at Kate flinging her words at her. Kate's eyes widened and I could see her finger positioned on the trigger.

"Guys..." I said nervously. After all, she had the gun.

"Shut up Lou. This is GIRL POWER we're talking about" Niall whispered. "Nothing beats girl power"

"Yeah. Apart from a gun" I shot back at him.

He didn't answer. I looked at Jus- Wait. Where was he? He was there a second ago. I looked frantically around to see no Justin. Oh my god. Did he just escape without telling us? That boy was ninja.

As Long As You Love Me (A Justin Bieber and One Direction SEQUEL- BOOK 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora