When one falls... the other does too

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Harry's POV

"Where is everyone?" I asked Louis who just shrugged in reply. The room in front of us was empty of people. We stepped inside cautiously. I mean, you would if you'd been living with 4 other boys who always had tricks up their sleeves.

Unforunately, Louis decided to just walk straight into a trap. Immediately, a bucket of ice cold water fell right on top of Louis' innocent head causing Justin, the rest of the boys from One Direction, Josh, Henry, Zach and the girls (which unluckily included Kate) to burst out laughing from behind the sofa.

"GOT YOU!" they cried pointing and laughing at the shocked Louis.

"I can't believe you guys would actually do this to me!" wailed Louis with the bucket still on his head.

"Well. We just did" Mia laughed clutching her stomach.

"SHUT UP!" Louis screamed. They all stopped, shocked. Louis rarely got into a fit and when he did, it wasn't over little things like a prank.

"Sorry Lou. We didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything like that" Justin apologised and added a sorry pout for effect. Of course, it worked.

"Aww... It's okay Justin. I'm sure you didn't have much to do with it anyway. But those guys probably did" he glared at everyone except for me and Justin.  

"Right. Everyone... can we please go cause I'm hungryyy" Niall complained. 

"But, Nialler. You just ate like, 1 minute ago" Liam told him.

"Well. I'm still hungry" Niall pouted at Liam. "Can we please go to eat?" 

"Yeah. We might as well cause it's the end of the concert" Justin said before leading the way out of the room. 

One Nando Wrap fight and a spoon threat later...

"Hey, guys. I really think we should behave now cause we'll probably get kicked out soon." I told them while glancing at the waitress who was eyeing us in digust. Couldn't blame her. 

"Yeah guys. Listen to Harry Poo" Kate smiled extra sweetly to all of them before leaning onto my shoulder. I leaned in the opposite direction until I was almost lying sideways on the sofa. Damn that girl. Why did she always have to spoil everything? 

"Yeah guys. We gotta listen to Harry Poo and Kate Pee" Josh smirked giving Erica a high five. I rolled my eyes. The quicker we left this restaurant, the better.

Lily's POV

We had settled to eat at Nandos, Niall's favourite restaurant in the world.

"After you" Justin had held the door open for me and I giggled as he bowed when I passed.

"Why, thank you kind sir" I smiled up at him giving him a curtsey in return. I could see Harry frowning at us from my peripheral vision. Odd. I felt sorry for him though. He was Kate's victim and as much as I wanted to help him, there was no way I could save anyone from Kate's clutches.

"As long as you love me, we could be starving, we could be homeless, we could be broke" Justin's song "As Long As You Love Me" came through the loudspeakers. I broke into song with Justin joining me before we both burst into a fit of giggles. We all sat down at a huge booth (all thanks to Niall and his black Nando's card).

I sat between Justin and Erica. On the other side of Erica sat Josh then Zach then Zoe then Mia. On the other side of the table sat Henry (opposite Mia) then Liam, Niall, Louis, Zayn, Harry and Kate.

"What would you like to- OMG. ARE YOU ONE DIRECTION AND JUSTIN BIEBER?!" the waitress screamed dropping her pen and paper to the floor. 

"YEAH!" Louis stupidly answered her.

"OMG. OMG. OMG. ONE DIRECTION AND JUSTIN BIEBER. JUSTIN BIEBER AND ONE DIRECTION. OMG" and with that, she fainted. At once everything became chaos. 

"LOUIS WHY DID YOU TELL HER?!" Liam scolded Louis. 

"NOONE PANIC! IM NOT PANICKING AM I ZAYN?" Niall asked Zayn who shrugged.

"SHUT UP!" Harry and I shouted at the same time which was freaky but there it was. At once, the whole table became eerily silent. There was chicken wrap which Niall must have ordered beforehand, in Henry's and Josh's hair and Liam was hiding under the table from a spoon which had gotten on his plate. 

"Liam. Please get out from under the table. You can touch the spoon you just can't eat from it. Josh and Henry, you might want to go to the bathroom and get that stuff out of your hair." I eyed the remains of the chicken wrap.

"Niall. Please go help them" I sighed. I didn't know that this would be so tiring. From Harry's face, this happened everyday. 

"OW!" The table suddenly overturned from Liam's attempt to get out from under the table causing spoons, knives, forks and everything on the table to come crashing to the floor... onto the unconscious waitress. Damn. I'd forgotten about her.

"Someone should get her to the hospital" Zayn interjected. Right on cue, an ambulance arrived and dragged the fan away and out. 

"Phew. Glad we got that sorted. Thanks guys!" Justin called out entering the restaurant. 

"Ho- Wha- Whe- We- Wa?" Louis stammered gaping. Justin shrugged. 

"Well. You guys looked busy and you completely forgot about this fan so I went ahead and called the ambulance before she died or something" Justin explained. Aww. How sweet and thoughful. 

"Hey, guys. I really think we should behave now cause we'll probably get kicked out soon." Harry broke the silence. 

"Yeah guys. Listen to Harry Poo" Kate added. Smiling at all of us. Fake smiling.

"Yeah guys. We gotta listen to Harry Poo and Kate Pee" Josh spoke. His hair still had some wrap in it but otherwise, it was wrap-free. I sighed again. This day was sure long.

Kate's POV

I hated my sister. I could see Harry's adoration for her and Justin's. I didn't really like Justin. He was okay looking but he didn't have curls like Harry and he wasn't British. He was American. Canadian. Whatever. Like I cared.

Why wouldn't Harry pay attention to me? I forced him to hold my hand, I always linked arms with him. I smiled at him whenever I could- I'm a very busy person and I always sat next to him. I even pushed Louis off the sofa to sit next to him! He should feel honoured. I don't like it here. Noone pays any attention to me and it's all because of HER. I think I might have to get rid of that bitch once and for all. I remember it didn't work last time, but this time, it will. 

As Long As You Love Me (A Justin Bieber and One Direction SEQUEL- BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now