Thursday is a school day

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  • Dedicated to Kim Wong

"It's time to get up in the morning. We got McDonalds breakfast for you! We drove two miles to get it! So now get up and eat it. So don't be selfish... SO WE GOTTA GET UP! WE GOTTA GET UP!! GET UP!" I woke to hear Louis, Niall and Liam dancing and screeching like maniacs around the room. In my bewildered state, I could see that the rest of the girls had gotten up while Charlie, Harry, Zayn and I were the only ones still in bed.

"What time is it?" I mumbled fumbling for the clock next to my campbed. It read 5:30am. Really? Did I really just get woken up at 5:30AM?!?!

"Hey, Lily! You gotta get up and eat the McDonalds we bought cause you guys have got SCHOOL!" Liam grinned and jumped up on Harry and Zayn who had snoozed off again. I groaned. School. Great. I had completely forgotten about it. Today was the second last day of school before the half term. Why couldn't we lie in for a bit more?!

"Lily! Liam's right. We have got school and you really do need to get up and get dressed" Erica called.

"Fine! Okay I'm getting up!" I said amidst cheers and whoops.

"Right lads! Looks like we only need Zayn to wake up!" Louis grinned evily. "Did you guys know that Zayn always goes to the toilet before every meal?" Zayn shuffled a little. "And did you know that ZAYN'S CONSTIPATION GOES IN ONE DIRECTION!" Louis shouted. Zayn immediately jumped out of bed and started chasing Louis around the room. Boys. 

I washed up and changed into my simple t-shirt and shorts before asking "Um... How are we getting to school? It's like, miles from here"

"No problem! Harry will drive!" Louis smiled putting an arm over Harry's shoulder.

"I will? Yeah, I will!" Harry said before collecting his car keys. "Right, who's going to follow Monsieur Harry?" I rolled my eyes and Charlie, Kim, Zoe, Erica, Mia and I all trooped off the bus and into Harry's car.

"Harry? One question. How are we all going to fit in there?" I asked eyeing the Audi parked in front of us. 

" Well. 5 of us can squish in, and one can sit in the boot?" he suggested. 

"Sweet! I'm getting the boot!" Charlie called before bounding into the back of the car. The rest of us piled in with Erica sitting in the passenger seat. Harry put the key into the ignition and soon we were off speeding towards our school.

Within minutes, we had arrived. "Well. Here you are!" Harry cheerfully said. "I'll come with the boys to put you guys up when you finish" sounding more like a dad than a friend lucky dude didn't need to go to school.

"Come on guys." I sighed as we entered the grounds. I froze when I remembered that Charlie was not with us. "Guys" I paused. "Where's Charlie?" We all stood there frozen, unable to move as we realised that he was probably still in the back of the audi. I pulled out my phone and dialed Harry's number. "Hello?" he answered.

"Harry! This is Lily! I think Charlie is still in the boot." There was a pause before Harry swore.

"Okay. I'm coming back round." He hung up.

"He said that he's coming back" I told the others who breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, I heard screaming. Lots of screaming. "What's going on?" I asked the others who shrugged and shook their heads. We all ran towards the screaming which kept getting louder and louder as more people started to scream.

"Ahhhh!!! Hellp!" I heard Harry call from the middle of the group of screaming girls.

"Don't worry! We're coming!" I heard Zoe call before she was trampled to the ground by the fans.

"Oh My Gosh! Are you okay?" I asked Zoe who nodded, dazed. I decided to take charge. I had enough of that screaming.

"SHUT UP!" I screamed at the girls who turned, wide-eyed at me. "What are you doing with Matthew? He's my cousin for crying out loud!" I shouted pointing at Harry who stared at me before he smirked, finally getting it.

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