Erica's many MANY cars

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  • Dedicated to Erica Song

Lily's POV

"So did you talk to Harry?" I asked Louis who had just come out of Harry's room... with Justin. 

"Yeah. We did. But I don't get why he'd laugh at my joke then look worried then just go off like that" Justin answered.

"NOOOOOOOO!!! MY HAZZA IS TURNING INTO A FLESH EATING MOTHER ZOMBIE!" Louis screamed tearing at his hair. We all just looked at him like he was crazy, which he probably was. 

"Louis. LOUIS! CHILL MAN!" Justin tried to make himself heard over Louis' screams. Suddenly, the door to Harry's room burst open. It was Kate.

"Will you guys keep it DOWN out here because all Harry and I can hear is screaming and it's pissing me off!" she glared at us before slamming the door shut in our faces.

"Oh look. Now it's Harry and I" Louis rolled his eyes but I could see he was worrying bout something. Maybe he too also thought Kate was behind this.

"HELLOOOOO?? IS MY BEST FRIEND ON THE PLANET EARTH?!" Erica waved her hand in front of my face, bringing me back to reality.

"Hi Erica." I waved at her. She frowned in return.

"Lily... What's wrong girl?" She asked sitting next to me on the sofa. 

"I think Kate is behind the whole Harry issue" I whispered making sure noone was listening. Thankfully, they were all busy either playing COD or watching the others playing COD and by all I meant everyone except for Harry, Kate, me and Erica. The battling of guns and shots could be heard from a mile away. Jeez. Boys and their toys.

 Erica's eyes widened. "You really think so?" She whispered back. I just nodded. "Wow. Wowww" Erica leaned back on the sofa deep in thought. "You know, I think you might be right I-"

"Are you guys talking bout Harry and Kate?" Louis whispered joining us and ditching the COD game of shooting and fighting for god knows what. 

"Yepp." I responded popping the 'p'. Louis nodded seriously.

"I think I know what's going on. You know when you told me bout getting knocked out?" I nodded while he continued. "Well. I was thinking, and I thought that maybe Kate knocked you guys out and used that time to threaten him about something. I dunno. It could be anything!" he finished exasperated. The more I thought about it, the more it started to fit and make sense. Louis could be right!

 "I'll talk to Harry AND Kate. Now actually." I told them before marching off to Harry's room. I hoped that what I'd see was appropriate as I opened the door. Screw knocking. Phew. They were just kissing- but still. I marched right up to them and wacked Harry in the head. Actually, I hit both of them but I more of tried to break-Kate's-skull hit her head. 

"Kate. I need to talk to you. Both of you." I turned to Harry first. "Harry. I need the truth and the honest truth. What has Kate done to make you change so much?!" I couldn't cry. Not now. I waited impatiently for his answer. 

"Well. I- I- " he gulped and looked at Kate who I could see from my peripheral vision, narrowed her eyes at him.

"Fine. Don't tell. Kate, what have you done to Harry? What did you threaten to do?" I was getting pissed now. Not sad. Just plain pissed. Kate smirked before answering.

"Well. You see little sister. I didn't say ANYTHING to DEAR Harry over here. I guess my looks were just too good" She flicked her hair in vain.


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