Chapter Nineteen:

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I walked off the elevator and down the hall to King's apartment. I honestly had no reason being here seeing as we didn't look nor talk to each other at school today. I didn't even go to the cafeteria since I didn't want to be next to him. But here I was about to knock on his door. I walked towards his door and willed myself to knock yet I couldn't I didn't know what I was doing here. I turned to walk back the way I came only to stop again. Did I really want to walk away from getting answers.. With that in mind I turned back and watched his door. Was I over reacting? I mean I get that he kissed me and then continued to kiss Jessica but who was I to judge? Were not together so why am I acting like a jealous girlfriend. I guess I just thought he was different from what others said and  it's my fault for having feelings or whatever I was feeling for him. 

When I did knock my heart was racing and I didn't know what to expect. My mind wouldn't stop running with things that could happen right now.  When he opened the door nothing happened he just looked shocked to see me. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked with an attitude. 

"We need to talk." I stated firmly. 

"No we don't." He said trying to close the door on me but I wouldn't let him.

"Who's there?" Samantha asked with a sleepy voice. 

"No one Sam go back to bed and I'll be there in a second and read you you're story." He said glaring at me. I took a step back not wanting to cause any trouble.  I went to turn and leave but Samantha's voice stopped me. 

"Hope!" She screamed seeing me and running to hug me before stepped back to her brother side now fully awake. Which only lasted a few seconds because her eye's started getting drowsy again. 

"Hey Sammy!" I said just as excited. She made all my nervousness go away.  

"Can you put me to bed hope?" She asked leaning against her brother sleepy. 

"I don't know how your brother would feel about that. Plus it's late." I said not giving her a straight answers. We both looked at her brother and I half expected him to say no seeing as we weren't that happy with each other at the moment. 

"Can she JoJo?" She asked giving him her puppy dogs eyes. The ones he couldn't say no to.  

"Fine." He groaned not wanting to disappoint his little sister.  That made me smile at him. No matter what was happening in his life he would always put his sister before anything. 

"Yay!" She said as I walked into the apartment taking her in my arms. I walked straight into her bedroom and placed her on her bed under the covers. "I missed you hope!" She mumbled falling asleep. I smiled down at her. I watched her fall asleep for a couple more minutes before kissing her forehead and getting up and walking out her room. King was sitting on the couch with a frown on his face when I walked back into the living room. 

What else is new? I rolled my eyes. 

"I'm going to head out. I know when I'm not wanted and you clearly don't want me here." I frowned walking towards the door. 

"Wait." He said low that I almost didn't hear him. I didn't speak I just stopped walking and turned toward him waiting for him to speak again. "What were you going with Jake the other day?" He questioned. My eyes widen, and I felt angry. Why would he care what I was doing with his brother? He cares more about what I was doing with his brother than the fact that he kissed me and then kissed someone else just days later. 

"Why do you care? From what I gathered you don't care about me, so why should I explain myself to you?" I hissed folding my arms across my chest.  

"He's not good for you and who said I didn't care about you?" He said getting off the couch and waking over to me. 

"How do you know what's good for me? You might not have said that you didn't care about me but your actions sure as hell did. " I said glaring at him. He was ignoring what I was telling him. 

"I might not know what good for you but I do know my brother and he does not have good intentions when it comes to you. You still haven't told me what I did to piss you off so much. I can't fix things between us if I don't know what I did love." He said standing in front of me now.  

"How do you know what his intentions are? That's because it should be clear to you and I'm not going to tell you because your going think i'm being over dramatic. I want you to figure this out yourself." I asked crossing my arms over my chest trying to look more imitating. 

"Because I know my brother. I don't get it but I do know I miss you hope." He stared firmly.  

"Do you really know him? Because from what he told me you two don't talk and haven't spoke in a while." I state. 

"Why do you think that is? Because he's not a good person. He's only using you to get to me." He spoke stepping closer to me. 

"Your being dramatic." I chuckled even though none of this was funny. 

"No I'm not. Your just not listening to reason." He said. 

"No your not listening to me. Jake is my friend and their is nothing you can do about it." I growled trying to get my point across. He was not going to control me.  

"No he's not! Why are you gullible?" He yelled getting angry that I wasn't listening to him. He thought his brother was a bad person when he wasn't. He was just someone who's made a couple mistakes in his life but he's cleaning himself up now. That's all that matters getting up after a storm. King just didn't know what Jake was doing.  

"Just because I have faith in people doesn't make me gullible." I hissed rolling my eyes. "Lower your voice your sister is sleeping in the other room."  

"Having faith in people gets you no where in life." He hissed back. 

"That's a great outlook on life King and the perfect influence for you're little sister." I spoke with sarcasm on my voice.  

"Don't speak to me about my sister. You have no idea what I went through to keep her." He growled. 

"Because you won't let me in!" I yelled at him.  

"Looks who's yelling now. Why would I want to let you in? We're not friends." He hissed taking a couple steps back. I felt my heart break and my eyes water.  

"That's really low. How could you say something like that?. I really mean that little to you?" I said as a tear fell down my face. 

"You mean nothing to me." He said with no emotion. I wanted to walk out that door and never look back. That's what I should have done but Jake's words come to mind for a second but I push them away. "You know you mean a lot to me and I love Sammy with all my heart. I hope you know that." I said walking out the front door and when I opened the front door Jessica was standing there getting ready to knock. My heart broke for the third time this weeks. I watched as she walked past me not even acknowledge my presence. She just walked through the door and over to King and kissed him like I wasn't even standing here. "I really thought you were different. I wanted you be different then what people said you were. But I guess we can't always get what we want." I say walking out and slamming the door behind me as the tears make their way down my face. This time I didn't look back.  

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