Chapter 5

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Your burns, burn others too

"Sir Meliodas we need to get you both to a doctor!" The princess had her arm around you both on either side of her as Diane lifted the three of you up and inside the Boar Hat.

"We're fine Elizabeth" Meliodas assured, slinging your arm over his shoulder as you helped each other up the stairs, Elizabeth followed closely to ensure neither of you fell backwards. The large fabric around your body had been pulled tighter so it wouldn't slip as you stumbled up towards the Captain's room.

"Yeah just a quick heal and we'll be good as new" you wiggle your fingers in the air as you look over at the Silverette, she looks awfully concerned.

You frown as you enter Meliodas' room, you could see female clothes folded neatly on the right bedside table. You looked to him with a raised eyebrow and he shrugged with a childish grin.

As you both collapsed onto the bed, neither decided to move from the position you'd landed in. Your (H/l) hair was splayed out over one of the pillows, while Meliodas lay on the other. You both were facing each other, his hand gripping the fabric around your wrist, his other hand, like yours, resting awkwardly at your sides. Both of your legs were in a mess together, one of his legs resting between your longer ones, you were taller than him after all. But just shorter than Elizabeth.

After a bit of effort, you wiggled your hand out from under the fabric and placed it onto his chest, you closed your eyes in exhaustion as your palm and his chest began to glow. He let go of the fabric and closed his eyes as well, lying there in comfortable silence as the minutes whirled by.

However, neither of you were strong enough to stay conscious, and with your healing ability nearly disabled after the vicious electricity, you both fell asleep.

When Elizabeth came in later to check on you later on, she was horrified to see you both passed out, your hand limp next to Meliodas' still chest. She yelled to Diane and the giant tore the window off to reach her large arm in and lift you both from the bed, the fabric slipping off you as Diane quickly covers you both.

One of Meliodas' eyes came open at the sudden movement and his face resembled the colour of a bright beetroot as he saw you beside him, only in your underclothes. In the relative dark atmosphere between the giant's hands, he peeled off his long white shirt, though torn in the shoulder, and helped you into it. He rested your foreheads together, hearing Diane crying as she ran towards a town.

"Somebody help please! I need to find a doctor!"

Diane spotted as a man with speckled glasses poked his head out from his second story bedroom, "I'm a doctor, how can I help you?" He didn't seem particularly fazed at the sight of the giant, although many of the other townspeople were hysterical as they ran for the cover of their townhouses.

The giant peeked into her palms to see you clothes and sighed with relief, "please my friends are badly hurt" she straightened her fingers to reveal both of you, sleeping deeply.

The doctor nodded, "I'll see what I can do".

As you slept you regained consciousness only long enough to be fed a strange liquid, it tasted bitter as it ran down your throat. Your mouth want to cough up the bile that was slowing your healing even further as you registered that Meliodas had been given the same drink.

"To be honest with you, it's a miracle their both alive" The doctor took a clipboard off his nurse to study it. "Especially the girl, she has burns like she's been struck by lightning, they're in her throat as well which is strange".

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