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"Should we use the same caterers as the last party? I think they did a fine job," My mother spoke as she went over plans out loud. You would think the queen of England was coming with how much preparation was going into this. She was planning every last detail for a party with no purpose but to socialize, but I guess this is all my mother could do since she was retired and basically a housewife. She could still work, but since my father made so much he convinced her to stop working so he could take care of her. She loved it, but I would hate it. I would never let myself be that reliant on a man for money. If I married the richest man in the world I probably would still have a job just so I can feel some self-worth. That's just me though. 

"You know I could just cook everything," Olivia added as she looked up from her puzzle she was working on. We all sat in the living room watching TV while the evening settled. 

"Oh no that would be entirely too much work for you, I'd rather have you in charge of all them cause you know how to put people to work," My mother giggled and I nodded cause it was true. Olivia was a natural leader and would put anyone to work, hell if the queen of England did show up Olivia would put her to work.

"Fair enough," Olivia smiled smugly as she looked back down at her puzzle.

"Livvy what's this container doing on the counter," Margret asked from the kitchen causing Olivia to jump and quickly glance at her watch.

"Shoot, that's left over's for William," She stood and dusted off the imaginary dust off her dress as she hurried over to the kitchen. 

"I bet he gets lonely in that house, "My mother stated mindlessly as she looked through her glasses at her papers.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I watched Margret come in and take Olivia's spot on the couch. 

"I don't doubt it," Margret said,"all he does is work and sleep," and fuck is what I wanted to add, but I kept quiet. 

"You and him seem to be getting close, "My mother said and I froze and nervously looked up at her. Shit, she knows, fuck it's over he's going to get fired and I'll never see him again! "I'm glad," She said and my tense shoulders dropped and confusion washed over me. 

"You're okay with it?" I asked nervously and she shrugged.

"He's a good influence on you, like an older brother almost," I wanted to throw up. I did not want to think about William, the man that's been between my legs numerous times, as my brother. I was going to be sick. 

"Good man that it," Margrett added and my mother agreed.

"Very, why don't you go over there and watch a movie with him or something I feel bad for him," She said finally looking up from her papers and she must have mistaken my nauseated face for me not wanting to go see him. "Oh come on it won't be that bad!" She gently shoved me with her foot, "I'm sure he would appreciate the company," Oh mother how right you are, but I haven't spoken to him since he stormed out of this house two days ago. It wasn't by choice, he was avoiding me. Even when I tried to talk to him yesterday. It hurt, but I understood why, but it was time to talk like adults. 

"I mean...I guess,"My mother smiled at me," It's going to be awkward though," I technically wasn't lying because it probably would be, but not for the reason she's thinking. 

"Hush and just go," I nodded and got to my feet and grabbed the leftovers from Olivia who gave me a grateful smile. They thought I was taking one for the team, but I was playing a different game because I really wanted to go see him. There was nothing stopping me from practically sprinting to his house, which was a long way. 

I didn't bother knocking as I entered the house unannounced. It was a bit warmer than usual and it wasn't bitterly cold like normal. Maybe he finally figured out what a thermostat was. I walked in to see him sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand as he watched some sports game on the t.v.

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