Chapter 12- Waiting for Mark and Y/N...

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Sean is in the Pride garden. Sean finds Clementine.

Sean: Hello, Clementine.

Clementine: Sean... It's good to see you.

Sean found the deviant and got a confession out of it.

Clementine: Congratulations, Sean... Finding that deviant was far from easy, and the way you interrogated it was very clever. You've been remarkably efficient, Sean.

Sean: Thank you, Clementine.

Clementine: We've asked the NPD to transfer it to us for further study. It may teach us something about what happened. The interrogation seemed...challenging... What did you think of the deviant?

Sean says that he thought the deviant felt traumatized.

Sean: It showed signs of PTSD after being abused by its owner, as if its original program had been completely replaced by new instructions.

Clementine: This... Lieutenant and Detective Fischbach has been officially assigned to the deviancy case... What do you make of them?

Sean thinks that Mark and Y/N are intriguing characters.

Sean: I think they're irritable, and socially challenged. But I also think they used be 2 good detectives... They're 2 intriguing characters.

Clementine: Unfortunately, we have no choice but to work with them... What do you think is the best approach?

Sean thinks that being friendly with Mark and Y/N is the best approach.

Sean: I will try to establish a friendly relationship. If I can get them to trust me, it will be helpful for the investigation.

Clementine: More and more androids show signs of deviancy. There are millions in circulation. If they become unstable, the consequences will be disastrous. You are the most advanced prototype CyberLife has ever created. If anyone can figure out what's happening, it's you.

Sean: You can count on me, Clementine.

Clementine: Hurry, Sean. There's little time.

Sean walks into the police station. He talks to the android at the reception desk.

Android: Can I help you?

Sean: I'm here to see Lieutenant and Detective Fischbach.

Android: Do you have authorization?

Sean: Yes.

Android: Lieutenant and Detective Fischbach hasn't arrived yet, but you can wait at their desks.

Sean looks at the TV.

Michael Brinkley - CTN TV: Tensions in the Arctic have reached a new level, with a Russian carrier and an American patrol boat reported to have clashed last night. Several warning shots were exchanged, apparently with no damage or casualties to either side. The Minister for Defense, Denis Riggs, has spoken of "intolerable provocation that cannot go unanswered". The countries in the region, particularly Sweden and Skyrim, have called for military forces to withdraw and an international conference to be held. So far, there has been no response from either Moscow or Washington. We'll keep you informed minute by minute as the situation develops.

When Sean gets into the main area of the station. He asks some officers where Mark's and Y/N's desks are.

Sean : I'm looking for Lieutenant and Detective Fischbach's desk.

Android : It's those desks right there.

Sean talks with Asriel's android.

Deviant: They're gonna destroy me...

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