Their favorite quirk about you

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((I found the pic and im wheezing))

Sometimes, you purr like Ringo when you two cuddle. Like, when you two cuddle and he's incredibly warm and its either late or no one is home, you would feel a lot safer in his arms. He then would pet your hair and you would start to purr.
When you compliment him. Its pretty self explanatory.
When he's drunk and he says dumb things, you would play along. Like, if he starts rambling, you pretend to have interest.
When you sneeze, you sound like a kitten. In his opinion, its adorable and he thinks its the cutest thing he ever heard.
When you compliment his eyebrows. He loves his eyebrows, but he loves you even more.
Sometimes, you would act like Paul or Tord when no one is around. Patryk always laughs when you do the Norwegian accent.
When you drink his diet cola. You playfully steal it from him. He will be drinking it and your take it and walk away or you'd drink his diet cola. It was funny and cute to him when you take his cola.
Everything. He's too innocent and nice to think otherwise.
When you guys read together. He thinks its cute when you act like him. You were calm and collected as well. So, you just needed to sip tea and read a book and he's head over heels for you. He thinks its adorable.
When you two draw together. She finds it adorable how you two have similar art styles.
You're a great listener. When she compliments herself, you giggle and you confirm her self-love.
When she is drunk and sings random songs, you would sing along if you knew the lyrics. She would grab Smirnoff and sing "Dear Theodosia."
When she is bored or when she just wants to, she will get somewhat tipsy. She will then act like King George and sing "you all be back." Then, you'll sing along and cosplay. Since she's drunk, shell take awhile but its still funny and cute. You would get drunk too so she didn't have to suffer alone.
Same thing with Paul and the eyebrows. She loves when you compliment her eyebrows. She's very proud of them so make sure you don't talk bad about them.
When you do her nails or make up. You aren't James Charles perfect but you'd say you were decent. You were the best at nail art. Patty wasn't a girly girl but sue loved watching you paint her nails.
She was fancy because why not. Sue was a semi-bitch. She didn't really like showing affection unless she was jealous. But, sue loves it when you hug her. Since she is somewhat taller than you but only slightly and she would hug, it would do the anime thing where the boobs touch. Like, your boobs and her boobs would fucking fuse like garnet from Steven universe.
everything. You play with her hair and hug her and she loves you to death.
Y'all cuddle and read together. She's a sucker for romance movies. Y'all would also quote mean girls. Specifically most of Gretchen and Karen's lines. She found it cute when you sang meet the plastics as you cleaned. You thought sue was fine for the day shopping with her friends and you played it on Alexa. Then, you sang along.

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