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"Dad!" I argued, "You'd always let me go out when we lived in New York, what's changed?!" 

"We've been here for a day and you already want to leave the house." He sighed as he looked at my stepmom who was unboxing the plates and whatnot.

I don't understand why he's still with her. They've been 'married' for seven years now, but she's nothing but a gold digger. I thought by now she'd be gone, guess I was wrong.

"Cher," my stepmom hadn't butted into the conversation which was surprising since she always had something to say "It's eleven, what do you have to do at this time?"

"I want to go running." I shrugged. I wasn't lying, I had always gone for runs late at night ever since I was 13, "Alright, but don't be out past one and share your location with me or Olivia." My father said, pointing to his wife once he said her name.

All I did was nod before leaving the house since I was already dressed. I decided to go to a beach and just run on the boardwalk, since I doubt there'd be many people out at this time.


It was now 2am and I hadn't realized how much I've overworked myself in the past three hours. I sat on the bench, breathing heavy. I saw a shadow of someone so I looked up to see a boy with some ripped jeans, a striped turtleneck and a jean jacket. The fuck was he, an eboy?

He sat next to me so I scooted away a bit, obviously weirded out that he's at a beach, alone, at two in the morning.

He turned to look at me, parting his lips as if he was about to say something, but shutting them soon after.

"Can I help you?" I rolled my eyes. He was a bit taken aback but shook his head, asking me a question instead "What are you doing working out so late? Don't people usually do that in the morning or afternoon..." His voice had a soft tone laced with his words.

"It's more peaceful at night." I gave him a half smile. I don't know why I was talking to a stranger at this time of night, but ever since I was fourteen I've realized that if you see someone out alone at this time they're either:
A, drunk. B, stoned out of their mind. Or C, have too much on their mind and need to clear their head. This guy didn't seem drunk or high so maybe he's actually a decent dude who just has way to much on his mind.

"What are you doing here so late?" I asked him, but still keeping a bit of distance between us.

"I needed to clear my head," he sighed "Way too much stuff has been going on." I mentally high-fived myself since I was right.

"I would ask you if you'd like to talk about it, but I don't even know you so I'd rather not. Some stuff is just too much to talk about with a stranger." I smiled.

"Well, can I get to know you?" He asked, his bright blue eyes shining in the moonlight.

"Maybe some other time at two A.M, but as of right now, I have to get going." I got up and took a few steps before turning back around "Don't stress too much, dude, it's probably not worth it anyways. Have a good one!" I smiled before starting to run.


I made my way into the house trying not to make any noise, but I'm a klutz so I just had to knock something off of a shelf. I carefully placed it back as I walked towards my dads room to see if he was home.

He wasn't. Neither was my stepmom.

"Thank god." I whispered as I walked towards the bathroom to take a shower.

I wonder who that guy I met was, I thought to myself as I got undressed and hopped into the shower.


I rolled off my bed, my entire body falling off in the process, making a loud noise.
"Great way to start the morning, Cher" I looked at my phone, checking the time "Or afternoon." It was 1pm.

"Dad!" I yelled... no response "Olivia!" I waited a few minutes and once again, there was no response.

I groggily got up from the floor and walked to the kitchen to see some money and a note telling me to check my texts. I grabbed my phone and saw a text from Olivia telling me she'll be at the spa all day with my dad, but left me money to go shopping. 

I ran to my room to change since I don't eat breakfast so there was no point to waste the day doing nothing, since I already spent half of it sleeping.

I changed into a crop-top and some sweatpants, knowing I shouldn't get dressed up since I'd be changing a lot at the shoppes.


I walked into a vintage store knowing I'd find some cute clothes, and maybe a cute guy.

I chuckled at the thought as I walked around a bit finding some clothes and received a few smiles from people walking around. I wasn't paying attention to anything but the clothes, causing me to bump into someone about two inches taller than me.

"I'm sorry," I said as I glanced up "It's alright." He smiled. His eyes looked familiar, like the ones I saw last night, but I wasn't going to ask a stranger if he's the stranger I met. Weird, right?

I walked passed him and I heard him mumble something under his breath, but couldn't make out what he was saying.

Strangers POV

Is that her? I asked myself as I looked up at the girl walking away. Her voice was so familiar but it would be weird of me to ask a stranger if she's the stranger I met last night.

I had only spoken to her for a few minutes, but something about her presence was comforting. Maybe it was the loneliness or maybe I was just infatuated with her and the incredible body she had.

Cher's POV

Maybe if I go running at 2 A.M I'll see him, I thought to myself while I was in an uber on my way home after going to a few more shoppes.

I leaned my head against the window,

god I probably sound insane

There was just something so different about him. He gave off good vibes and his style was hella hot although I would never admit it.

This chapter wasn't the best, but if you've read my stories in the past yk this will get better LMAO but yeah (I'm half asleep and didn't have time to edit this so idek if any of this made sense bc every time I have edited it was like 5am soooo....)

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Word count: 1168

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