< five >

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7th period came by pretty fast. I hadn't really talked to anyone else in the other classes I've had. I knew that I shouldn't really get close to anyone without knowing who they truly are. And as we all know, high school is full of fakes.

"Cheryl!" I heard someone yell my name as I walked around aimlessly. I turned around to see Lydia waving at me.

I walked towards her to see a girl with long brunette hair as well as a familiar face that I haven't seen in years.

"Benji?" I practically yelled, seeing my first cousin, Benjamin.

"Cher?!" He ran up to me giving me the longest hug. "It's been years oh my gosh, you look so different." He looked me up and down with a smile on his face.

"Since when did you move to Cali?" He asked me. He's visited me in New York a few times and I've visited him here in the past.

"Just a few days ago. Why haven't you ever told me what school you go to?" I hit his shoulder.

"I never thought you'd move here. I thought your dad hated California." Well, he wasn't wrong about that last part.

"Things change I guess. So much shit has happened in the past month, I have to catch you up on everything." I said before sitting at the table with the two girls.

"You two know each other?" The brunette asked with a raised brow.

"She's just my cousin babe, calm down." Benjamin told her, kissing her cheek.

"Oh I should've figured, you two look alike." She face palmed "I'm Madison by the way, it's nice to meet you." She grinned.

"You too."

"So, tell me all about New York!" Lydia practically yelled, slapping the table.

I chuckled a bit "It's not as interesting as most people think it is. It's very fast paced, the schools were all so stressful. Not gonna lie, I do kinda miss the beautiful skyline. It was also very easy to do whatever you wanted. Kids our age smoked cigarettes, weed, got tattoos, juuled, had tons of piercings. It was fun, but I felt I just needed a change of scenery ya know? I kinda got tired of the all the same type of people everyday." I said and she nodded.

"I mean, LA isn't too different, mainly the weather. Also, weed is legal here, but we're still underage to buy it. That never stopped me though." I laughed at her response.

"You don't look like a stoner." I told her. I mean, maybe someone who would get drunk at parties, but definitely not a stoner.

"I get that a lot. If you ever need some weed or anything hit me up." She said before adding her Snapchat on my phone.

"Will do." She nodded "What grade are you guys in?" I asked the three.

"We're all seniors." Madison told me. The last time I saw Benji, he was only a freshman. A lot's changed since then....

"Damn, it's really been four years..." Benji sighed "You've definitely changed, your always smoking and you've lost so much weight." Benji said to me as if I hadn't already known. In the beginning of my freshman year I was so against smoking and drinking, all that type of stuff. I was also very overweight, but now it's the complete opposite. Things change so fast, it's insane.

"I workout a lot." I shrugged "And smoking helps relieve stress." He nodded, agreeing.

"That's understandable. If I'm being honest, I smoke occasionally."

"Occasionally?" Madison spoke "You're high almost every single day and you can't last a day without nicotine."

Sounds like me, I thought
No wonder we're related.

"I'm not the only one with a nicotine addiction ma'am. Half of high-schoolers now have a nicotine addiction. And at least weed is legal. And it's not even that bad, it doesn't blacken your lungs." He argued, crossing his arms.

I chuckled at him a bit "you haven't changed very much."

"Can't say the same about you." He smiled "We should catch up, what are you doing after school?"

"I'm actually going to the grove with a few people after school." He nodded "How about I come over once your done. You live with your dad and uhm... what's her name?" He referred to my stepmom.

"Olivia." I said

"Yeah, her. I don't think she likes me."

I laughed "Same. Think she started hating me last year when I wasted all the money on her credit card and put her in debt." Lydia's mouth dropped.

"My parents would kill me if I did that." I laughed at her response "In my defense, she gave it to me telling me to order whatever I wanted. That was just the outcome of it all, then she got mad at me. It's my dads money though and he was fine with it so I didn't care very much." I told her. The bell soon rang and, coincidentally, we all had the same class. It was also my last period of the day, which meant I had class with Chase again.

"Hey Cher." I heard an all too familiar voice say as I walked into the class.

I saw Chase and left the other three to sit next to him, but they sat a few seats away.

"You know those three?" He asked me.

I nodded "Benji... Sorry, Benjamin, is my cousin. I met Lydia in first period and met Madison during lunch. Why?"

"No reason." He gave me a small smile before asking about how my classes have been.

"Cher, why are you sitting with Mr. famous?" I heard Benji ask.

"Famous?" I questioned, looking between the two boys.

"Oh, you don't know?" Benjamin smirked.

"Shut up." I heard Chase sigh.

"What does he mean?" I turned my head to Chase who seemed somewhat annoyed.

"I'll tell you later."


"Cheryl. I said, I'll tell you later. I'm not telling you while we're in class." He said sternly. He's never seemed so upset up until now.

I nodded not wanting to annoy him. If he didn't want to tell me it's fine, but now that Benji's said that I'm just curious as to what he meant.

Who thinks Chase is gonna tell Cher abt his status? Do u think either of them r gonna change afterwards?🧐🤔

Omg it's 2am and I have to pick up my mom from the hospital early in the morning yet I'm wide awake. Insomnia is my favoritteeeee ting

Side note: plz lmk if their are mistakes bc my brain isn't functioning at this time of night and I don't wanna edit

Word count: 1116

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