< four >

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As I walked through the halls looking for my class I felt so many eyes on me. Not literally, but I just knew there were people starring. A few girls gave me smiles as others glared at me. The boys however just stared at me as if I was a piece of meat and they haven't eaten in days. Disgusting, if I'm being honest.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Chase, although I'm still not sure what his last name is since he refuses to tell me for some unknown reason.

"Why didn't you call me back?" He asked.

"Sorry it uhm," I sighed "slipped my mind." In reality, I didn't want to bother him. He probably has tons of friends and would be busy.

Surprisingly, he was alone.

"Let me see your schedule." He 'asked', but if anything, it was more demanding.

I pulled it up on my phone showing it to him. He told me I was in the wrong wing of the school and he would walk me to class since we're both on the east wing. We ended up having U.S history, geometry and forensics together. As for everything else, it was completely different considering my old school had me taking completely different, more advanced, classes. I'm not going to lie, I was never the best at school. I never had any motivation to do good and was always busy doing anything other than school work. If I'm being honest, I wasn't even supposed to be a senior, but Junior year up until now I had taken night school classes which gave me the credits I needed to graduate on time.

"This is your class." He told me as he dropped me off "I'll meet you here once the bell rings and we'll walk to U.S history together."

"Thank you." I said before waking into the unfamiliar room.

"Are you new?" The teacher asked me almost the second my foot stepped in. I nodded in response as she told me to sit next to a girl named Lydia who was the only one sitting alone.

"I like your outfit." she told me. I smiled and said a quick thank you before pulling out my notebook.

"Do you think you could catch me up on what we're learning?" I asked, having no clue what this class was about. Instead of taking an English class I took a criminal justice class counting as college credit.

"Yeah, of course." She smiled at me "where did you transfer from?" She asked, thinking I'm a Californian.

"I actually moved here from New York a few days ago." Her jaw dropped "I've always wanted to go to New York!" She said, maybe a bit too loud because the teacher asked us if there's anything we'd like to share and we both shook our heads.

"We should catch up later, what period do you have lunch?"

"7th." I said and to my luck, she had the same period as me.

"Okay, great. For now we'll do our work, but later we have to get to know one another." She seemed so excited and nice which was sweet.


I walked out the class to see Chase right beside the door.

"Hey," I smiled "how was class?"

"Boring as usual." He responded.

He led the way to our next period class as we talked "I have a few friends in that class, I could introduce you to em' if you want." I nodded, knowing that I shouldn't be too closed off from everyone else because it never ends well.

"That's cool. I like your outfit by the way." Unlike most boys, Chase had a sense of style. Even though he looked like a basic tik-tok boy and the style wouldn't work for everyone, it definitely worked for him.

"It's kinda e-boy-ish but it works." He chuckled nervously. Weird...

We walked into the class seconds before the bell rang. Just as my last class, the teacher asked me if I was new and I said yes. She told me to sit wherever I wanted so I went and sat next to Chase who was sitting next to a girl and a boy.

"Guys, this is Cher." Chase said to the two as I took a seat next to a boy.

He was wearing a sweatshirt, plaid pants and some converse as well as some jewelry. He had bright blue eyes and dirty blonde hair.

"I'm Anthony." He smiled at me "it's a pleasure to meet you."

"I'm Alessandra." the girl at the table next to Chase rolled her eyes at Anthony.

She had very curly hair and seemed very down to earth.

"Nice to meet you guys." I smiled at the two, as well as Chase, who's eyes had met mine.

"We're uh... going to the grove after school, you should come." Chase said to me before the teacher interrupted us, not giving me a chance to respond.

"Ms. Sturbelle if there's going to be a problem with you sitting there I could gladly move your seat." I shook my head before pulling out my binder grabbing a piece of looseleaf.

I also pulled out my phone texting Chase telling him I'd love to come and he just smiled at me.

"So, why'd you move here?" Anthony asked me, ignoring the fact that we weren't allowed to talk.

"I, uhm... There was a lot of shit that happened back where I used to live, New York. My dad thought it was good for me to get a change of scenery. He thought it would help." I looked at the three as they nodded.

"Well, if you ever need to vent to anyone, you can trust us." Alessandra told me. I gave her a simple thank you before I started to do my work, unlike the other three who were joking around the entire class period.

"I know you aren't that good with new people, including me, but you can trust us I promise you." Chase told me as we walked out the class.

"Thank you Chase, but none of this is new to me. And the three of you seem like genuine people and you've been nothing but kind to me so thank you, once again." He hugged me. Well, that's a first.

"C'mon we have geometry, don't wanna be late right?" He said, pulling away.

"Right..." I nodded.

As we walked to geometry Chase told me he was glad I was in his class because he didn't have any friends in there. That surprised me a bit if I'm being honest, Chase seems like a cliche popular high school boy.

"Chase, who's your friend?" The teacher asked him as we walked in beside one another.

"I'm Cheryl, the new student." I told her as I started to walk to the back near the empty desk next to Chase.

"Come on, you don't want to sit next to him do you? I'll clear a seat for you.." A boy not to far away from where I currently stood said as he pushed a kid off the desk.

"That's not necessary." I rolled my eyes, as I sat next to Chase.

"Your loss, princess. If you ever need me, just call me." He winked.

"Does it look like I'm interested in you? Because I'm obviously not so if you could shut your mouth that would be greatly appreciated." I gave a sarcastic smile before turning around to Chase.

"I'm sorry about him, he's a dick." Chase said to me.

"It's fine, nothing I haven't dealt with before." I reassured him. He seemed a bit worried, but what's the worst one boy could do to me...

Happy 4/20!!
Word count: 1294

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