<t w e n t y o n e>

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As soon as I entered my house I went straight to the kitchen and grabbed whatever junk food I could find. I made a b-line to my bedroom and laid down, rewatching the vampire diaries.

Except the last thing I did was pay attention to the show. Instead, I laid down, stuffing my face with food while I starred at the ceiling.

Justin was the only thing on my mind. Reminiscing all the times we've had. I thought I had gotten rid of him for good this time, but I was completely, so very wrong.

"What the fuck, God?" I starred up at the ceiling.

I grabbed my phone, opening my contacts dialing Benjamin's number...

"Feels nice to actually have you call me for once, and not the other way around." I could hear Ben chuckle a bit.

"Can you come over? I'm having a," I paused trying to think of the correct wording "dilemma."

"Are you pregnant? Cher, I swear to god if you're pregnant-"

"I'm not pregnant Benjamin!" I sighed "It's Justin. He texted me and I just... need someone to talk to right now. Someone that knows about my past and that I can actually see right now, not from a long distance phone call." I referred to everyone back home.

"Hang tight, Cher, I'm on my way." Was the last thing he said before hanging up.

I soon heard a knock at my bedroom door and opened it to see Benjamin, who immediately embraced me in a hug.

"Now you need to tell me why the fuck he's back. Or texting you..."

"If I knew the answer to that I wouldn't be in this situation, I would've gotten rid of him." I sighed, going to sit on a chair that was by my desk as Benjamin sat on the bed.

I propped my legs up onto the bed "I don't want him to come back I can't have that. It'll destroy me there has to be something to avoid it."

"Well, maybe he missed you." Benjamin shrugged as I rolled my eyes "Benji, you sound stupid. It's Justin, he always has a motive."

"Isn't he like in love with you?"

"Yes, because someone in love with me would have done everything he did." I leaned back.

"Love makes people crazy sometimes." He smiled, which I'm assuming was to try and lighten the mood.

"It doesn't justify anything he did." I felt my eyes start to water so I turned around to try and find a tissue.

"Cheryl," he said my name but I quickly rummaged through my things as tears fell from my eyes "Cheryl!" He grabbed my arms, turning me around.

I took a deep breath before letting the tears fall down my face, "I can't. I can't see him he can't be here. I wanted to leave it in the past, but it just keeps fucking coming back to haunt me." I hugged him, resting my head in the crook of his neck as my tears soaked his shirt.

"Cher listen to me, you're going to be okay. I promise you that and I'll protect you, I swear. You're like a sister to me and as long as you're on the West coast I promise I won't let him do anything to you ever again."

I nodded as I pulled away, only to see Chase at my door.

"Chase, what are you doing here?" I quickly got up, trying to wipe the tears off my face.

"What am I doing here? I'm your boyfriend. The real question is what the hell is going on, Cheryl?"


"Chase just drop it." Benjamin stood up.

"No! Cheryl talk to me, please." He tried to touch me, but I jumped a bit.

"I can't. Not now." I shook my head, going to sit at the edge of my bed.

"You should go, Chase. For now just leave it."

"I can't!"

"Go, please." I looked at the ground.

The last thing I wanted to do was be close to a guy.

Besides Benjamin of course, considering he's my cousin.

"Fine, I'll go." Chase rolled his eyes, slamming my bedroom door shut.

"You'll need to tell him at some point." Benjamin sat next to me.

"I know. Just not until Justin is gone, I'm already too worried about what he'll do to me." I sighed, getting up.

"Where are you going?"

"To the kitchen to get ice cream. Want some?" I quirked a brow.

"You already know the answer to that." He smiled, following behind me.


"I'm gonna text him." I grabbed my phone from beside me.

"That doesn't seem like a good idea-"

"I'm not gonna have a choice. I might as well initiate it." I grabbed my phone with shaky hands "I need to ask him to meet me somewhere. Somewhere public," I thought "Urth!"

"The most basic spot." Benjamin laughed, as did I.

Hey Justin. I know you've missed me so meet me tomorrow. Urth cafe at 6pm

Can't wait to see you again, luv.

I rolled my eyes at his response.

"What the hell am I even going to say to him?" I looked at Benjamin as he shrugged "You're not helpful, at all." I rolled my eyes.

"Figure out why he's here, why he did what he did and what he wants from you. If you want I can go with you-"

"No. I can do this myself."

"If you change your mind let me know. Always got your back, bestie."

"Ew, I hate that word." I cringed at the word bestie.

"Want me to stay the night? I'm sure your dad's missed me."

"Well he does love you more than me," I smiled rolling my eyes "As much as I know you'd love to spend more time with him rather than me, he's rarely home. Same goes for my stepmom."

"Ew, he's still with her?" I laughed at his response, nodding.

It's about damn time I updated this story

Also I've been writing another and it's crazy how in love with it I am like honestly I think it's gonna be my best book yet.

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