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"Can I now know why Benji referred to you as 'mr.famous' ?" I asked Chase once the bell had rang.

He didn't respond "Please, Chase. How could I trust you fully if you don't even want to tell me what he meant." I pouted my lips putting my hands together in a begging manor.

"I'm 'famous' or whatever." He rolled his eyes putting up finger motions once he said the word famous.

"Oh, that's cool. Are you a YouTuber or something?" I giggled.

"I got famous from this app called tik-tok." He said, starting to walk out the class.

"I knew it!" I whispered to myself.

"What?" He turned to look at me.

"Sorry, but you just look like an e-boy. Kind of gave me that vibe the first time I saw you." He nodded slowly.

"Okay.... anyways, your coming with to the grove right?" I nodded.

"Alright. Another one of my friends, Elmo, is coming. I think you two will get along." He winked and then started to laugh.

The only person I'd like to get along with is you, I thought as I admired Chase's facial features.

He was hot, not even going to lie. So was Anthony and I swear if this Elmo dude was hot too I think I might just pass out.

Chase was then starring at me like I'm insane and I realized I hadn't responded to what he said "Wait...Elmo? Like from Sesame Street?" I laughed as he started to walk away from me. "Joking!" I caught up to him, grabbing onto his arm.

"Stop walking away from me!" I said as I tried to copy his pace. He was walking pretty fast, wanting to get out of this hell hole called school as soon as possible.

"So how are we getting to the grove?" I asked him.

"Are you really not surprised I'm famous?!" He raised his voice.

"Sister snapped..." I whispered. "I mean I don't really care. It doesn't make you a different person. I think it's cool, I mean, I've always wanted to be famous. The closest I am to that is having forty thousand YouTube subscribers." I joked "A part of me is surprised, but a part of me isn't. I mean, you're an attractive guy so I'm not really too surprised you're famous, but I just wasn't expecting you to yell at me for it." I shrugged.

"Sorry," he hugged me "People usually just treat me differently afterwards and I've only known you for a few days, but you already know a lot about me and I can't risk losing you." I laughed "Okay, softy."

"But there is one thing..." I looked up at him as he was only a few inches taller than me "What is it?"

"You think I'm attractive?" I blushed a bit. It was undeniable if I'm being honest.

"Are you blushing?" He asked, stepping back to try and look at my face.

"No..." I looked down "Bitch." He laughed.

"Hey, if it counts for anything, you're also pretty attractive." He smiled, pulling me next to him as we walked besides one another to the parking lot.

"Hey guys." I smiled at Alessandra and Anthony once we got to the parking lot, also seeing a tall white boy with brown hair and amber eyes, freckles scattered across his face.

"I'm Elmo." He smiled.

"Sesame Street, got it." He rolled his eyes as the other three laughed "I'm joking dude, don't hate me."

"You're names Cher, right?" I gave him a questioning look, wondering why he knew my name and almost as if he read my mind he responded "Chase mentioned you before."

"Understandable." I nodded.


We got to the grove, immediately going to get food since Alessandra wouldn't stop complaining about how hungry she was.

"Can we get Taco Bell?" I asked and Alessandra agreed.

"You're my new best friend." I smiled at her.

"Chipotle?" Elmo asked and Anthony agreed.

"Chase, which one?"

"Taco Bell." I whispered to him, giving him the oh so cliche 'puppy dog eyes' "please." I whispered.

"Taco Bell." He said and I smiled "Yay!" Alessandra and I practically ran towards the Taco Bell entrance as the boys walked slowly behind us.

"We have to go shopping together, I'm in love with your style." Alessandra told me as we entered the fast food restaurant.

"We definitely should." I agreed, as she continued to hold the door open waiting for the boys.

"Hurry up!" I yelled at them and they started walking a bit faster.

Once they got inside we all went on line to order, me being first.

"So, what made you move to California?" Elmo asked me as we all sat down with our food.

I feel like I've gotten this question so many times so far "A lot of shit happened back in New York, my dad thought it was good for me to get a change of scenery and if I'm being honest I think it's good for me. New York was just draining everything out of me."

"I'm sorry." He said, unwrapping his taco.

"I know I've told you this before, but if you ever need to talk to anyone, we're all here for you." Chase said as the rest nodded. "You'll realize that soon enough." Anthony added.

The rest of our time at the grove was spent with me trying to get to know them all a bit better. We did stop by a few stores and walk around a bit, acting like idiots which is always a fun time.

-not edited-
word count : 933

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