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*time skip to Sunday night*

"Dad, can I go for a run?" I asked my father as I walked into his bedroom.

"No." He said sternly.

That's definitely a first, I thought. I gave him a questioning look "Cheryl," he sat up "We moved here so you can get a change of scenery. For you to turn your life around. I don't care if you go running on school nights, but it's already one in the morning. We had an agreement that once we moved here you wouldn't be late to school and missing classes. Most importantly, you wouldn't fail any of your classes. I know you like to go running, but I'm not letting you out this late on a school night."

"But dad-" I was cut off.

"No means no! Go to your room and sleep, it's your first day tomorrow and there's no way in hell I'm allowing you to be late." I sighed, walking out his room and into mine.

I sat on my bed, snapping Chase as I tried to clam down.

It's just a new school, I can do this... I took in a deep breathe. Transferring schools wasn't new to me. This would be my fourth high school since sophomore year and I'm already a senior. Yet I always found myself at the same place the night before, shaking in my room as I stayed up trying to ease my nerves.

incoming FaceTime call from 'Chase :)'

I picked up, knowing that there was something so familiar and soothing about Chase. I've only known him for a few days, but I knew that I could trust him. At least, I hope I could.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as he put his phone on the nightstand as he prepared for bed.

"A bit nervous, not going to lie. I've done this so many times before yet every time I find myself so anxious..." I said to him.

What if people don't like me? What if I become an outcast? It's LA, aren't people here mean? I thought.

"You're from New York, LA is nothing compared to the rude ass people over there." He said as he chuckled.

"Did I say that stuff out loud?" I face palmed as he nodded.

And that was only the beginning of our talk that lasted hours up until I fell asleep


"Good morning." The voice scared me. I looked down at my phone to see that I never hung up on Chase.

"Morning." I yawned.

I looked at the time to see it was 6:45 A.M

"It's too early," I said as I closed my eyes once again "You don't want to be late on your first day, do you?"

"Shut up." I knocked my phone down as I closed my eyes, not falling asleep, but just thinking about this new school. When I went in with my stepmom the teachers and deans seemed sweet which was a plus. Although they did ask about my record, which included me having a weeks worth of (excused) detention for having an e-cigarette, which was actually a wax pen. They also asked about a fight I had gotten into at the end of freshman year and my attendance, which was very bad considering I had over thirty absences in both freshman and sophomore year. Junior year was pretty bad too, but most of the absences were excused to to family issues. I also had about 16 so far in senior year, which is pretty good for me, considering we're almost halfway through the second semester.

I got out of bed, still on the phone with Chase as I walked into my bathroom. "I'll call you later," I said to him "I have to get ready."

"Call me back when you're in school, I could show you around a bit before the bell rings." He told me before I nodded, hanging up on him.

I decided to shuffle my playlist as I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair. I let a few pieces fall out the front as I did a half up, half down hairstyle.

Looking through my closet, I couldn't decide what to wear. In a way, outfits are sort of a first impression. People will judge you; not only based on what you wear, but also how the rest of you looks and how you carry yourself.

I wore a pair of black mom jeans, a red long sleeve turtleneck and a Thrasher skategoat tee overtop. I paired the outfit with one star black converse, otherwise known as Chuck Taylor's and a chain belt. I quickly left the house after getting ready not wanting to be late;
after all it is my first day and I gave my father my word.


"I guess this is it...." I sighed as I walked into the school already receiving looks before even entering.

This was going to be an interesting day

Idk how I feel abt these first few chapters :/

It's also 4/20 so be safe boys and girls

Word count: 848

✔️𝟐𝐀.𝐌 ~ 𝐂hase 𝐇udson Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ