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Elmo. The bottle landed on Elmo. Why couldn't it have just been some random dude instead? Or Chase?

Elmo got up first, putting his hand out for me to grab, which I did.

He pulled me up and we left. I turned back for a few seconds to see Chase glancing at Elmo and I, jaw clenched.

As soon as Elmo and I got in the closet we heard someone from outside the door telling us they've started a timer for seven minutes.

"We can't doing anything, Cher."

"We can't do anything, Elmo."

Elmo and I had said it at the same time.

I laughed a bit.

"I know why I can't do anything, why can't you?" I asked him, crossing my arms.

The only thing stopping me was the fact that Elmo, Chase and I were very close friends and I have feelings for Chase. As for Elmo on the other hand, there's nothing stopping him. Unless...

"Are you gay?" I blurted out.

"No!" He yelled, chuckling a bit.

"Then why don't you want to do anything? Am I ugly? Oh my god, I'm ugly." He put his hand on my shoulders.

"No, Cher, it's not because I'm gay. It's not because you're ugly either so don't even start with that because you're a beautiful girl. But..." he sighed "I can't tell you why I don't want to do anything with you, but... even if the thing that's stopping me wasn't stopping me, I wouldn't want to ruin our amazing friendship." I smiled, agreeing although I really wanted to know what he was referring to... what the hell was stopping him from doing anything with me, I mean I know he thinks I'm hot he's said it before. So if there's nothing wrong with me then there has to be something I'm missing. Or maybe I'm still a bit stoned and am just overthinking things. Yeah, I'll go with the latter.

"Times up!" I heard a voice say as a timer went off. Elmo and I immediately went back to the small little group and the first thing I saw was Chase with a red solo cup to his lips and many empty ones around him.

"How much could one person drink in seven minutes..." I thought out loud, standing next to a sitting Chase.

"A lot, apparently." He sighed "I have a headache." He rubbed his temples trying to calm himself, but the music blaring probably wasn't helping that.

"I think I'm going to go outside..." he got up, stumbling a bit. "Want me to come with you?" I asked, looking up at his pink eyes.

"I'd rather go alone." He said, but as soon as Chase exited so did Elmo. Weird...

Just as two people left, another two came back "Have fun?" I asked the two.

"Uhm," Alessandra looked down at the floor "Yeah." She said.

Anthony noticed Elmo and Chase weren't there so I'm assuming he thought they were both in the closet, no pun intended.

"Are they?"

"No." I shook my head "I ended up with Elmo and came back to Chase drinking a lot. He said he needed some fresh air, but when I asked if I could come with he said no, yet Elmo left soon after he did." Both Tony's and Sandra's eyes widened.

"What is-" I couldn't even finish my sentence because Anthony ran out the house.

I ignored that, not wanting to think too much of it "Sandra, sweetie we need to get you cleaned up." I said referring to her messed up clothes, smudged lipstick and messed up hair.

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