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The wind howled through the pierced air as a flash of silver and white tabby fur after a bloody dark brown Tom from ThunderClan. Blood, yowls of pain, snarls of anger, and snapping of rage pierced the battlefield, RiverClan's deputy's death scent stung the air like a bee stinging a useless cat.

"Get back here, you unworthy piece of frog-dirt!" The silver and white tabby snarled as she hared after the ThunderClan deputy.

"Just leave me alone Ivypool! That was many moons ago." The deputy halted in front of her, amber eyes piercing her like thorns on a cat's pelt.

"Leave you alone? That is the most frog-brained question I have ever heard!" Ivypool suddenly lunged at the dark tabby, deep aqua eyes gleaming with hatred.

"Oof!" He crashed down, yowling in rage.

"How does it feel? Feeling the same pain you made Hawkfrost go through?" Ivypool dug her claws deeper into his flesh, blood squirming out of the deputy's newly made wound.

"I do-" The ThunderClan deputy gagged, obviously tasting the taste of blood as Ivypool busted his lip, exposing the inner red liquid.

"You what?" Ivypool hissed in his ear, loud enough for him to ear.

"I d-do." He whimpered, pain flexing into his pained voice.

"Good. Know, why don't I just hit your head as you did to Hawkfrost?" Ivypool placed her grey paw, know a reddish color due to the fact that it was covered in blood, on his weak head.

"But that might kill me! If it didn't kill Hawkfrost, it might kill me." The dark tabby squirmed under the wiry she-cat, but she dug her claws deeper into his head.

"Isn't that what revenge is? Killing your enemy?" Ivypool demanded, her bloody coat bristling.

"Well, not all the ti-" The injured dark tabby was cut off by a monster-sized shadow danced over the two quarreling cats.

"Did Sol take the sun?!" A warrior of ThunderClan, Berrynose, gasped.

"How can a cat take the sun?" Primroseheart's voice echoed in the battlefield.

"Great StarClan it's dark!" Fluffypaw's scared voice startled Ivypool. I have to get to him! As soon as she stood up, Ivypool regretted it. Brambleclaw pinned her down, his own claws rippling her coat.

"It's going to be a whole load of fun, isn't it?" Brambleclaw smiled, an imaginary evil gleaming in his amber eyes.


Ivypool hulled herself next to her mate, Hawkfrost, who was limping himself. A large chunk of Hawkfrost's ear was missing and his snow white tufts were clouded with blood and were also missing some clumps.

"Here, let me help." Fluffypaw, who was pretty much the size of Ivypool, made his way to his mother's aid.

"Thanks. Also, your fighting skills were on point." Ivypool complimented her fluffy son.

"Fighting has always been something I have been interested since being in the nursery. Do you think I got it from Hawkfrost? He always seems to bring fights to himself." Fluffypaw questioned, his icy blue eyes gleamed with curiosity.

"You probably have a point. Although he wants fights to come his way, I will never stop loving him." Ivypool pointed her muzzle to Hawkfrost, who was still limping but beside Duskpaw.

"I very well know that. I've never seen you two quarrel." Fluffypaw commented, "It's like a match made in StarClan. You've never had flaws in your relationship."

"Oh but that is now. Back when I was an apprentice, we practically hated each other." Ivypool chuckled as she remembered how much they picked on each other.

"Really? It seems impossible for any cat guessing that at first glance." Fluffypaw seemed surprised at his mother's statement, then nodded. I hope we can heal in time before the Gathering. Ivypool though as the sun's bright light dipped and danced on the RiverClan cats.

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