Part 12

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Smokepaw trotted after his silver and white mentor as rain sprinkled down from the sky, fog dancing around him and Ivypool. He liked the how nice RiverClan territory, the soft crashing of the stream with little minnows scampering all over as Ivypool showed him around.

"Since we have water surrounding our territory, the other Clans don't even bother to fight us. They are scared to get their paws wet." Ivypool meowed as Smokepaw was following her.

"Even rogues?" He asked.

"Rogues... they have their ways and we have ours." The silver and white tabby she-cat looked at him.

"Do you know their ways?" He tipped his head.

"No, but I can tell you that they don't like us, that's for sure." The she-cat jerked her muzzle to the water.

"Oh." The dark grey tabby tom twitched his ear before continuing to follow his mentor. The wind began to pick up, causing both cats to fluff up their pelts.

"This is odd wind we're getting. And the wind." Ivypool flattened her ears.

"Suppose it is a storm?" Smokepaw twitched his ear, looking around as leaves from trees ran along the wind just as minnows to their family.

The silver and white tabby shook her head, "This wind and rain is too much for a storm, well a regular storm."

"Do you know any other storms?" The dark grey tabby sprinted next to Ivypool.

"Err, I only know floods, thunderstorms, and heat waves. That's about it." The she-cat eyed him as he sneezed. She halted so then he did.

"I smell... grass and dung." She growled after a long period of walking.

"I see nothing with either." He sat down since Ivypool kept eyeing around.

"Grass, nothing is wrong it's just that dung smells like fox." Meowed she. Smokepaw wasn't completely aware of the damage of foxes, but by the way his mentor spoke they weren't friends but foes. The two RiverClan cats saw a fox, three smaller ones following it.

"What in the name of StarClan...?" Ivypool took two steps forward, her apprentice doing the same. Just then a siren went off, making both cats flatten their ears.

"What is happening?" Smokepaw cried when Ivypool led him back to camp.

"I don't know, but whatever it is we have to go back and warn the others. Can you catch up?" Ivypool said before getting ready to run. The young tom didn't say anything, but he did nod before following the she-cat. They ran and ran, but the wind made them go right from where they ran forward. Smokepaw squealed once his paws weren't on the ground anymore, causing Ivypool to stop and try to get him. The strong wind carried him to a tree where he would cling on to life.

"Hold on Smokepaw!" Ivypool called, stopping to check the tree and what to do.

"Help!!!" He cried once he heard the branch he held on starting to crack. Luckily for him, Ivypool began to spring into action even if her pelt was wet.

"Stay still!" She ordered. The tom did what his mentor told him even if it meant to loose his life in the branch. Ivypool climbed the tree, nearing him with every paw she placed down. From where she was, she jumped to the branch he held on to, grabbed his scruff, and dropped him. Smokepaw fell to the ground where the rain quickened on him.

The branch Ivypool stood on snapped, causing the she-cat fall while still clutching the branch. The two things hit the ground, Smokepaw's mentor not moving from where the branch was, which was on top of her. The dark grey tabby apprentice rolled the branch off of his mentor before the wind claimed it as its own. He shook her with his paws, fortunately she did wake up.

"Go on Smokepaw. Just go back to camp." She whispered, lifting her head up then dropping it.

"I can't leave you behind. You're my mentor." He growled.

She sighed in defeat, "Just go. I'll be there soon." Smokepaw turned around and ran back to camp, checking behind him. Ivypool was falling behind, limping but still going strong as ever. The wind and rain got harder as they neared camp, making Smokepaw freeze in his fear. Ivypool ran beside him and grabbed his scruff without stopping and continued her way back to camp. Robinwing And Hawkfrost were guarding the camp entrance, fear plastered on their eyes just like the wind to the earth.

Ivypool pushed herself behind the two toms as fear sprinkling in the camp as cats looked at the two with anxiety. She let go of Smokepaw who couldn't move or even speak.

"What's happening." Leopardstar demanded.

"A... bad... storm." Ivypool panted between words, collapsing to the ground. Smokepaw only opened his mouth, his fear flushing out.

"Well, what kind of storm." Hawkfrost muttered beside her leader once he stepped closer.

"We don't... know." Smokepaw managed to say before closing his mouth.

"I know! Many Twolegs talked about it!" Mothwing came out of the medicine cat den.

"Well?" The leader and deputy said at the same time, their impatience killing them with every breath. Smokepaw was helping his mentor back up on her feet while the medicine cat spoke.

The golden tabby took a deep breath, "It's a tornado."

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