Part 11

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The smell of smoke and embers hit Hawkfrost's nose, but he didn't care too much since it wasn't in RiverClan territory. Rain cracked as lightning crackled in the sky, making the wind stronger than it already was, and Hawkfrost didn't like the weather, but for some reason, Ivypool did.

"This weather might bring a horrible storm, or maybe even fire," Rippletail told Ivypool, who were both at Hawkfrost's right.

"I'm pretty sure there already is a fire. I can smell the smoke and embers. They might be coming from ThunderClan territory." Ivypool's pelt bristled as she said ThunderClan.

"StarClan will know what to do. ThunderClan is in their paws." Rippletail twitched his tail.

"They are not in StarClan's paws and I'll make sure of that!" Ivypool hissed before dashing.

"That she-cat has some anger issues. I'm not surprised Winterstorm, Duskwind, and Fluffytail have it too." Rippletail murmured to Hawkfrost before going after the she-cat. The fluffy tom followed the grey tabby, but the scent of a squirrel caught his attention so he decided to go after it.

"I didn't think you would come." Jinx's voice made Hawkfrost growl.

"What now Jinx? Are you here to bother me with that dead squirrel you caught?" The fluffy dark tabby snarled.

"Of course not silly! Fluffytail, get over here now!" The lily white she-cat called his son.

"Yes, O great Jinx?" The younger dark tabby sighed, icy eyes gleaming with annoyance.

"Tell our visitor here what I told you." Jinx told the tom with a calm, but harsh voice.

"He is not a visitor! He's my father!" Fluffytail spat.

"Do you even remember the deal I made with you? Or are RiverClan cats that stupid?" Jinx pinned the dark tabby down.

"Get off him!" Hawkfrost bolted Jinx off the dark tabby.

"How about you get off me!" Jinx snarled before placing her claws on Hawkfrost's side.

"How about you leave my son out of your life!" Hawkfrost pinned the she-cat by her head to the ground.

"Kill me then I know it will make your life more simple than it already is." Jinx hissed.

"I'm not a killer like you. You killed your own mother and father! Also your other littermates!" He snapped, ready to kill the she-cat if he needed to.

"Those cats were cowards! I don't want to be a burden of some stupid cats who didn't know the meanin' of life! But I know and that is to kill cats who made you suffer!" Jinx slipped out of Hawkfrost's grip and clawed his cheek.

"And what have I or Fluffytail done to you? Absolutely nothing!" Hawkfrost hooked his claws on the she-cat's throat.

"I never planned to kill Fluffytail or you. Look over there. You'll see what I mean." Hawkfrost looked at where Jinx's muzzle rested. A hawk's feather was surrounded by wet rocks while a piece of ivy was left alone.

"That's for the medicine cats. Now let me go or I will kill you." Jinx growled, warning edging her voice.

"Then leave Fluffytail out of your life and make he stays out or you'll pay the consequences!" Hawkfrost let the she-cat go, her collar making a clacking sound as she hit the ground.

"Thanks for that! I thought I was going to go to the fresh-kill pile!" Fluffytail breathed in joy.

"Well, you're my son so it's my duty to protect you." Hawkfrost gently nuzzled Fluffytail's ear.

"I wonder who Smokekit and Oakkit's mentors are going to be? Speaking of them, we have to go to camp!" Fluffytail bounded to camp, Hawkfrost at his tail. Once they arrived, everyone was there, Smokekit and Oakkit were in the middle, Leopardstar ready to appoint their mentors.

"Dapplenose, you will mentor Oakpaw. I know I can trust you to pass on the warrior code and the skills to make Oakpaw an excellent warrior." Dapplenose and Oakpaw touched noses.

"Smokekit, from now on until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Smokepaw. Ivypool, I know I can trust you to mentor Smokepaw. Pass on the warrior code and the right skills to him so he can become an excellent warrior." Ivypool stepped up then touched noses with the dark grey tabby apprentice.

"Also, Robinpaw, step up." The tortoiseshell apprentice looked surprised.

"I, Leopardstar, call down my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn. Robinpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your life?" Leopardstar asked, her whiskers quivering as rain fell on them.

"I do." The tortoiseshell tom was shaking.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Robinpaw, from this moment you will be known as Robinwing. StarClan honors your loyalty and bravery and we welcome you as a full warrior of RiverClan." Robinwing gently licked Leopardstar's shoulder.

"Robinwing! Robinwing!" The young warrior flattened his ears an embarrassment as his clanmates called his name.

"Congrats Robinwing." Hawkfrost told the tom. He dipped his head before going to his spot near the entrance of the camp. Ivypool and Dapplenose led Smokepaw and Oakpaw out of camp, explaining to them what they were going to do. I still remember teaching Ivypool the ways of the warrior. It felt like so many moons ago, but that is because it was. Hawkfrost sighed while all the memories of the old forest came to him. I wonder how Sasha is? I haven't seen her in moons and I truly miss her, even if she rejected Mothwing and me. Hawkfrost suddenly felt sad as the memories of his mother plunged onto his shoulders. 

"Hawkfrost, can we talk?" Winterstorm's voice took all his attention.

"Sure?" The fluffy dark tabby turned to look at his daughter.

"I'm having this bad vibe when Jinx is in the nursery. I don't know if you have it too, but I don't want to risk my kits when that she-cat is around. She's already caused some damage." Hawkfrost knew the damage that the light grey tabby queen was talking about, but he didn't want extra detail on it.

"I'll make sure to put her in her place whenever I get the chance to. And I promise I'll have Ivypool help me to get rid of that pesky she-cat. My words, my promise."


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