Part 13

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The tornado ripped across the clearing, the RiverClan cats running as fast as they could ever go. Ivypool never remembered that she could have ran this fast, but it felt like she had done this very many times in her life. She saw her clanmates get on a mini hedge, helping each other up. 

"Smokepaw, come here!" She called to her apprentice. The dark grey tabby tom looked at her, terrified, like his fur could come off at any time that is how scared he was.

"Climb up my back and follow your clanmates. I'll be right behind you." Ivypool told her apprentice before the tom did as he was told. Looking around, the silver and white tabby she-cat soon came to realize she was the last cat. With the extra weight of Smokepaw off her, Ivypool proceeded to carry on without help, or so it seemed. Placing her paws first, Ivypool was very unaware of Jinx approaching her.

"Well, well, ain't we meeting again?" Jinx's cold and murderous voice sent cold shivers down Ivypool's spine.

"J-Jinx, help me get up." As she said that, Ivypool could feel the wind of the tornado nearing.

"Helpin' you? Why would I do such a thing." Jinx lashed her tail. Ivypool growled as she struggled, starting to lose her balance during the process.

"Listen here, Sol and I have great plans, and you won't be in the way. So rot in the Dark Forest!" As Jinx snarled, she pushed Ivypool off, causing rocks to jab at the silver and white tabby's pelt.

"I... am not... going down... without a... fight!" Ivypool hissed before leaping at the lily white she-cat. At this point, Ivypool had completely ignored the fact that the wing was picking up faster than it has ever done. Placing one of her paws on Jinx's chest, Ivypool ran her claws down the she-cat's stomach. The lily white she-cat yowled in pain before laying limp, her eyes wide open as blood poured down her mouth. I-I did it. I killed her. I actually killed her... Ivypool laughed a bit in relief, ignoring the calls of her mate and kits before getting swallowed whole by the tornado.

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