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"Hyung, wake up! Everyone else has showered except you" Hoseok's voice seeps into my dream. "Five more minutes," I said subconsciously.

Hoseok landed on my bed and shake my body slightly to wake me up. "No Hyung..we have a photoshoot today, remember. Come on" He pulls both my arms, making me sit.

"Right...Okay, I am all awake now. Satisfied?" I try to get on his nerve for interrupting my sleep. "Come on, don't get mad..everyone else is waiting" Hoseok answered with a smile and left my room.

I softly rub mucus off my eyes and head over to the bathroom. Hang my towel as usual and washing my face comes first. I splash the warm water onto my face, looks like I got dark circles underneath both eyes.

Through the mirror, I can see the bathtub behind me and something is dripping from the brim. It's not's brownish. I got curious and approaches it.
Its blood?



Why is there..blood?







Why are you in there!!!!??

Jin is laying in the bathtub half-filled with water mixed with his blood.

I drop to my knees upon the sight of it.

"—J-Jin Hyung!!!" I shout out loud. Rushes to him. Take him out of the bathtub. Laying him on the cold floor. I caressed his pale face. There is blood dripping from his lips.

"How did this happen?!"

I open the bathroom door and call for help.
"Hoseok-ah!!! Namjoon!!! Anyone!!!" I shouted out loud.

I get back to unconscious Jin and softly lay his head on my thigh and hug him.

I hear them rushing to my room.

"Why??! Yoongi you're okay? What happen?" Namjoon and the rest come to look at the situation.

"It's Jin-Hyung... It's Jin!!" I cried for help.

"Jin Hyung? What's wrong?" Namjoon replies in confusion.


"Why are you crying on the floor, Hyung? Are you hurt anywhere?" Taehyung comes and crouch next to me, carefully patting my back with a face full of worries.

"It's not me! It's him!!!" I got confused by their reaction.

"Jin-Hyung..." A faint voice comes out from Jimin's mouth.

Everyone's face turns grim.
They look disappointed.



"Jin..." Jungkook choke on his tears and continue "Jin is gone, okay!! You gotta remember that!!! Stop losing it!" Jung kook burst out in anger.

"Calm down Jungkook-ah!!!" Namjoon holds both Jungkook's shoulders and is about to hug him but Jungkook pushes him away.

"Why can't Yoongi Hyung stop doing this? It's painful to keep seeing him like this!?" Jungkook cries and leaves angrily.

Namjoon follows Jungkook from behind trying to calm him down.

I turn back to look at Jin who's laying on my thigh.

He is not there. It's just a towel.

"What's all this?" I got really confused.

"Hyung.." Taehyung caressed my back with a soft expression.

"He was here, Taehyung! Trust me. He was laying here on my thigh.. and there's blood everywhere!!!"
I explained to him what happened.

Taehyung's eyes become watery.

"Is he really?" Taehyung asked with a forced smile on his face.

"I don't understand! Where is Jin?! Where— "
I suddenly get this terrible headache. Holding onto both sides of my head with my trembling hands.

"Come on, Hyung" Hoseok pulls me up and takes me out of the bathroom.

Jimin is staying back probably to take care of Taehyung.

Hoseok holds onto my arm keeping me from limping. He takes me to the living room...

We walk past Jin's bed which is untouched, that side of the room which I failed to see.
There was no sign of Jin. Jin was never there.

Hoseok carefully make me sit on the sofa and head to the kitchen for some water.

"What had happened? Why can't I remember anything?" I asked Hoseok realising I had lost pieces of memories.

"Lots have happened, Hyung...but I can't tell you everything just yet" Hoseok sat next to me handing me a glass of water.

"What does Jungkook mean by Jin is gone?

Where is Jin?"

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