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Where is Jin?


That's the only thing occupying my mind right now. We are riding the van towards our photoshoot location. I am together with Hoseok and Namjoon.
It is quiet, both of them are busy with their phones.

"You guys really aren't going to tell me anything?"
I break the silence as I cannot contain this curiosity any longer.

They both stop whatever they are doing and look at me with deep thoughts.

"Did you guys fight, again?" Manager Sejin asked from the passenger seat.

I rolled my eyes, unsatisfied. "They left me hanging with no clues," I said complaining.


"Sejin-Hyung, we should stop by the psychiatrist after the shoot is done" Namjoon suggested.

My eyes widen. "Psychiatrist?! Why?" Another impossible clue to this puzzle.

Hoseok softly grabs my shoulder to make me calm. "You should learn it all after the photo shoot is done, okay? Don't overthink" He smiled.

I let out a silent sigh.
I am pretty sure that I saw Jin last night.
It is still vividly replaying in my mind.
We were arguing about me talking in my sleep.





We arrived at the photo shoot location.

An open field with greeneries. Highlighting the fresh feel. "Wow..look at that amazing view," Hoseok commented as soon as he gets off the van.

Everyone stretches and gets ready for work.

I kinda space out.. as I usually am.

"You feeling alright, Hyung" Taehyung pat my back. This action of his has become familiar.

Although, I remember that he rarely does this, especially to me. I expect this comes from Jimin.

Jung kook constantly avoids eye contact but when we start to pose in front of the camera,
he acts all natural.


It felt awkward. Very awkward.

There are only six of us.

Yet, the member acts as if nothing had happened.

I miss Jin. The atmosphere here with them is warm but I can feel an empty laugh occupying them.

We finished all the photoshoots.
We all rest under the production team tent.
Everyone sits down and has their own preferred drinks. I always go for the iced American.

As I am gulping down my drink, Jin Hyung appears in front of me. He puts an iced vanilla latte drink close to my face. "Try this Yoongi-ah, I'm telling you, this is delicious". He said with a smile.

"Ahh, ~ know that I don't like a vanilla latte." I make a puffy face. "Oh yeah..of course, I should know that by now" He answered with a depressing tone.

I pull a chair "Come sit down and drink with the rest of us" I face towards the rest of the members whose sitting next to me.

Their faces are all in shock, their eyes grow big as if they have seen a ghost.

I turn back facing to where Jin Hyung was standing...

He is not there.

He never was...

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