Agust D

111 2 9

We all rush to the car.
anticipating seeing Jin.

"Are all of you here? I'll be driving," Sejin comes in and drives the car to the location given by Ins. Seo.

Cat-caught-my-tongue is the right word for the current situation I'm in.
Now our concern is diverted to Jin. I hope he's just fine. Like how I had a walk and talk to him... those dreams. How I wish they were real.

"Hyung... did you remember anything yet? What did you see earlier?" Taehyung poke me.

I take a glance at Sejin's back. See that he's looking at Tae from the back mirror. When he shifts his eyes to me, I quickly face the window.

"I don't know, Taehyung-ah. Everything is so blurred,"

"Really, Hyung?... If you had anything just tell us, okay" Jhope said.

I don't know if what I saw was true. The dreams have already messed up my timeline. Plus there are the hallucinations of Jin playing around me in real-time. Besides, I don't want to bluntly accuse anyone as I did to Jimin.

If Sejin really did try to kill Jin. Why didn't he kill me? I should've been dead by now cause I'm a witness.

What's more to this case?

"Sejin, did Ins. Seo call you too?" Namjoon asked from the back seat.

"He did... but he asked me to relay the message to Bang PD nim only. He didn't say anything," Sejin answered.

"Where is the meeting location?" Jungkook asked

"It is near Han river, we should arrive soon," Sejin said.

Taehyung leans onto me and whispers. "Suga Hyung. Did you see Jin Hyung today?"

"What if I do?" I whisper to him back.

He looks at me with his puppy eyes. "Isn't that another clue?" Taehyung said.

"It wasn't a clue. You guys knew. You were acting, aren't you?" I look him in the eyes.

Taehyung flinches at my words. He gets back and sits straight.

I don't understand... like I always do.
My hallucinations, my dreams, my reality... they mix.
Where are you Jin?
End my suffering.
I just wanna be a stone.

We finally arrived at Han river. It's the third bridge. The one I dreamt of meeting Jin.

"Yeah..we had always gone to the second bridge. Always..why is it the third bridge suddenly?" I get back at him

"Cause I'd like us to meet up here," Jin said with a bright smile.
*end of flashback*

The police and ambulance are all in the area. Busy.
There are press media coming but hold up a few meters away from the location.

"Ins.Seo!" Namjoon calls him from afar.

"Namjoon! Everyone! Come here!" Ins Seo directed us to a closed scene. He sighs heavily.

"We have found Jin," He breaks the news to us.

"JIN?!! JIN HYUNG?!! WHERE IS HE?" All of us are on alert.

"Don't make too much scene... reporters are everywhere," He nods. "He's in the ambulance...but wait.." He can't look us in the eye. "I'm terribly sorry".

Upon hearing his words all of us rush to the ambulance van. High hopes. Heart beating fast then we could imagine.

I didn't even know if I breathe at the moment. The door is open. Revealing Jin laying on the stretcher covered in blood.

We all get on the van and line up next to Jin.

The Medical Team is doing all they can to bring Jin back.

I can't even react at the moment.
How come? Why? Jin?
His eyes are closed and he's not breathing.

"We got a call earlier today from the mart's cashier who found him in the ice-cold storage under the bridge. We hurried here as soon as we could. All suspects will be questioned and investigated," Ins. Seo said with a depressing tone. He got in the passenger seat right after.

I loss for words! I couldn't breathe.
Jungkook suddenly collapses. Jimin, Tae, Hobi and RM can't stop their overflowing tears.
Sejin and the others help the 7 of us to keep calm.

The ambulance drive to the hospital.

Is this really the reality?
Why can't I do anything about it? After a year of looking for he is..laying there. Cold.


My eyes meet with Sejin Hyung who's sitting right across me with crying Jimin in his arms.


"SEJIN!" I scream and jump onto him and choke him right there. Everyone else is in shock.

"Yoongi! Calm down! Yoongi!" They called me and pulled me away from Sejin. They don't understand.

They don't understand!!


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