Author's note

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Sejin is caught by Ins. Seo and interrogated.
He is found guilty as Suga remembers the moment Jin was assaulted.

Suga eventually remembers answer chapter the moment his eyes meet with Sejin.

Although his PTSD is still under medication, the members trust him and help him justify Jin's case.

The members act in characters to get Suga to remember the past and crucial events. They already know some of the unveiled secrets from Suga before him.

RM: act as the moderator. The one who leads the storyline, so that Yoongi's state of mind stays on the right path. And keeping other members from overacting the storyline.

Taehyung: act as the supporter for Yoongi. So that he has someone that believes him. That's why Tae cries a lot. He assured Yoongi that Jimin and Jungkook is not being too harsh on him.

Hoseok: act as the sunshine that he is. Because he is bad at lying. He makes sure Yoongi and everyone else stay in reality and do not fall into despair due to the loss of Jin.

Jimin: act as the trigger. Urging Yoongi to remember the important timeline. That's why he got angry at Yoongi a lot. He puts the blame on Yoongi to burden him with the issue.

Jungkook: act as the reminder. He keeps spitting out random words to remind Yoongi of Jin. He made sure Yoongi notices Jin's absence despite the hallucinations.

Hallucinations: Yoongi sees Jin from time to time some are memories of the real incident but overlap with his current situation. Some were original memories.
Yoongi still wonders whether Jin really did come to him and show him clues to this case like telepathy.

Dreams: Jin reminds Yoongi to help him by always dreaming good dreams. That is why he dreams of wanting to see Jin return home alive and happy.

Memory loss: Jin lost his memories after the kidnapping incident and only trust Suga his roommate to help him remember.
Yoongi lost his memories after he falls down the flight of stairs.

PTSD: post-traumatic stress disorder. Yoongi falls into this disorder when he witnesses Sejin assault Jin in the bathtub. He sometimes put himself in Jin's place to reduce his guilt of not being able to save him.


"Where am I?" His eyes wandered to the white ceiling and the smell of antibiotics snark up his nose.

"Hey... Jin Hyung... do you remember me?" Yoongi asked, seated beside Jin's hospital bed.



Hope readers love the ending
I try to make the answer chapter as brief as possible.
So that it won't be too complicated.

Thank you for the read.
This story is solely for fun fanfic and my all-time bias is WWH Jin!

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