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Yoongi's POV

As I get into the van. The driver asks me if he could leave for the toilet. I said yes. Then, I remember Hoseok. He didn't return from the toilet.

What's up with him?


Is it something I said?


That thought keeps lingering in my mind until someone knocks on the window where I am leaning onto.

It's Jin Hyung.

"Hyung," I open the door to him. "How did you--" He put his finger to my mouth. "Shh~they'll hear you" He whispered to me.


"There are people trying to catch me, Yoongi, Help Me" Jin's breathing is irregular. His heart is beating fast.

He is afraid.


"THERE HE IS!!" I hear a bunch of people running towards us.

I am in a state of panic and so is Jin. I grab his hand and pull him into the van and he landed on the seat next to me. I quickly close the door shut and locked it.

Somehow, I didn't manage to lock the other door in time and the bad guys pull Jin out of the vehicle vigorously. They practically drag him to the road.

I run out trying to protect Jin.
But some other guys take me down and beat me up before I could reach Jin.

"Jin Hyung!!" I shout as loud as I could while taking the beating.

I cannot protect him.

He's being taken away!

I could only watch helplessly. "Somebody help!! Anybody! Hyung!!"

I struggle to get up and run for him.


"Yoongi Hyung!" Hoseok, Namjoon and the others come running to me, in the middle of the road.
"Hoseok-ah! It's Jin, help him! he's being taken away! Help him" I keep repeating it to Hoseok's face in panic.

Namjoon, Manager-nim and the driver just stand there looking around to where I am pointing at...Jin

Why can't they see Jin?

"They couldn't have gotten that far! Let's go!" I stand and pull Hoseok along to look for Jin.

Namjoon grabs my arm and holds me back.
"Why are you stopping me, Namjoon? We gotta look for him. He needs help" I said angrily. Then, I see Hoseok looks very disappointed.

"There's nobody there, Hyung," Namjoon said. "What the heck! I was there with him all this while,
I saw it happened!" I try to convince them. All of them look away, unable to keep eye contact with me.

Then, I see it...the psychiatrist clinic signage.
I slowly calm down. Trying to get a grasp of the situation.


"Did I seem...crazy to you guys?" I asked them, feeling uneasy. "'s not like that" Hoseok holds both my shoulder tight.

I sense sympathy in his eyes.

I sigh and laugh a bit. Making everyone flustered. "I am not crazy. Stop sympathizing with me" I pull my arm from Namjoon's grasp and stomp my feet to the van.

I don't know what to do anymore. I cannot convince them of anything. I myself cannot differentiate between illusion and reality anymore.

Everything seems pretty real to me.

They get into the van and we are heading for home without saying a word to each other.

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