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Buckbeak was dead. That poor, innocent, creature was gone. I cursed out Draco in my head.

"Ah!" Ron exclaimed, dropping Scabbers. His finger was bleeding. "He bit me! Scabbers bit me!"

His eyes shifted down, and I glanced down to see Sabbers hurrying away across the grass.  Ron raced after his rat. "No, Ron! Get back here!" I exclaimed. When he didn't stop, I shared a look with Harry and Hermione, and we ran after him.

We caught up with Ron to see him sitting on the ground, facing us, cradling Scabbers in his hands. My gaze slowly fell on the massive tree above him. I recognized it; I could never forget it. Not after how I got to school last year.

"Ron.. Ron you're right underneath-" I stopped, as Harry looked up too.

"Ron, run! Get over here!" Harry called. Ron looked up at us, confused about what we were talking about. His eyes widened in fear as he pointed to something behind us.

"Giovanna, Harry, Hermione! Run!" He yelled. I whipped around and froze in my place. Standing, and growling, in front of us was a great big, black, shaggy dog. It was the dog we had seen when the Knight Bus pulled up. It was the grim.

The dog began running towards us, and as I braced myself for impact, it just leapt right over us. It ran to Ron and bit down on his leg.

"Ron!" I exclaimed, instantly running forward, but Harry grabbed my arm and held me back. When the dog began dragging Ron, by his foot, to the trunk of the Whomping Willow, I wrenched my arm from Harry's grip.

Ron was now on his stomach, being dragged. "Giovanna! Help!" He exclaimed. I lunged forward and grabbed his hands. Ron was my brother, in a way, the Weasley I'm closest to, I grew up with him. I couldn't lose him. Harry rushed forward, and grabbed my leg, fighting against the pull of the dog.

"I've got you!" Hermione cried, quickly grabbing Harry's leg.

"Giovanna!" Ron cried again, and I saw the dog was dragging Ron into a hole at the bottom of the trunk. A hole that was like a tunnel, leading below the ground. 

I looked up. The dog vanished beneath the ground, he was in the tunnel. He began to pull Ron into the tunnel. Ron was gripping my forearms tightly. I ignored the slight ache where his hand was holding right where my scar is.

"Hold on, Ron!" I exclaimed.

It was no use. The dog was simply just too strong, but I held on. I glanced around desperately, then back to Ron. We make eye contact, and I can practically read his mind.

"No! Don't you dare-" I glared at the ginger, but he still began to loosen his grip on my arms, slowly letting go. He fully let go, sacrificing himself. "No!" I yelled. Without thinking, I dove into the tunnel right after him.

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