chapter seven.

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yoongi pov

  I woke up on the recliner in the living room. I looked down, and saw (M/n) snuggled up to me, while holding tightly onto my shirt. I slowly started to sit up while wrapping an am around the small child to make sure he didn't fall. I looked over at the couch, and saw the maknae line still asleep on the couch. I looked over a the clock and saw it was '9:30 ' normally the time Seokjin would be making breakfast.

   " Jin hyung making breakfast yet?" Jungkook asked rubbing his left eye.

   "Not sure. You're probably gonna have to check." I said slowly reaching to grab the remote.

   "D-Daddy?" (M/n) asked looking up at me.

    "Yes little prince?" I asked.

    "Me hungwy." He said grabbing his dummy, he then placed the comforting object in his mouth. I smiled down at the boy, and closed the recliner. I stood, then walked to the kitchen. In side was Seokjin making pancakes.

   "Breakfast should be ready soon." He said not turning away from the stove.

   "Thanks hyung." I said, then placed (M/n) down in his spot. I walked over to the cupboard,  and grabbed (M/n)'s Tigger cup. I filled it with apple juice. I handed the cup to (M/n), and watched as he took a drink from it.

   "Here, cut these up for (M/n)." Seokjin said handing me a plate with a pancake on it. I nodded, then started cutting the pancake. Once done I grabbed a small dip cup, and filled it with syrup.

   "Want me to give it to him now?" I asked.

   "Wait till I have everyone's food finished." Seokjin said placing two on three different plates.  Seokjin quickly finished making plates, and set them on the table. I watched as (M/n) pouted, because he didn't have a plate yet. I chuckled, and placed his plate in front of him. I watched as he tried to quickly eat a piece.

   "Not yet. Wait for everyone else." I said as I sat beside him. After a few minutes in walked four dead looking boys followed by a talkative Seokjin and Jungkook. Once everyone was seated, (M/n) slowly started to eat his food.

   "Why are we having pancakes?" Taehyung asked.

    "Can I not be in a good mood, and make pancakes?!" Seokjin asked offended.

     "You can, but like why are we having them? Is there a special occasion?" Taehyung asked.

     "I just felt like making pancakes my lord." Seokjin said. (M/n) giggled, then took a small drink from his cup. I smiled down at the small boy, then ruffled his hair. He whined, and swatted my hand away.

   "Daddy, I full." (M/n) said looking up at me. He did eat most of his food, so I guess that's fine.

    "Okay, stay here till everyone is done." I said, then took a bite of my food. He pouted, and I placed his dummy on his lips. He took it into his mouth, then smiled at me.


    I smiled as I watched (M/n) jump on his knees while watching Pokèmon. He got so excited when there was a battle. Taehyung sat on the floor beside (M/n) watching the anime. (M/n) gasped once he saw Eeve. 

   "Who dat owne?!" He asked looking at Taehyung.

   "Eeve." Taehyung said glancing down at the small boy.

    "Eebe cute." (M/n) said smiling. I chuckled, and stood up. I crouched down in front of (M/n), then smiled at him.

   "Do you like Eeve?" I asked. He nodded looking up at me with big eyes.

    "Do you want an Eeve plushie?" I asked.

    "Yesh pwease Daddy!!" (M/n) said jumping on his knees. I smiled, and picked him up. He squealed, and wrapped his small arms around my neck. I carried him to mine and Seokjin's room, and placed him on my bed. I grabbed him some clothes, then quickly changed him. Once done I changed, then pulled on both of our shoes. I pulled on a face mask, then grabbed a smaller one for (M/n). I placed in on him, and watched as he touched it.

  "Time for us to go to the store now." I said picking him up. I carried him outside, and over to the car. I opened the door, then placed him in his car seat.  I buckled him up closed the door, then jumped in my seat. I buckled, then started the drive to the store. Once there, I got both (M/n) and I out of the car.

   "Hurry Daddy! Hurry!!" (M/n) yelled as I carried him. I chuckled, and walked slightly faster. I made it to the toy section, and placed (M/n) on the ground. He then ran up to a huge Eeve.

   "Daddy! Dat one!" (M/n) yelled pointing at the huge toy. I nodded, and picked up the toy for him.

   "Anymore toys you want?" I asked. (M/n) looked around, then ran over to another toy.

    "Daddy, can I habe dat one?" He asked looking up a Squirtle toy. I nodded, and grabbed that one.

      "Is that all?" I asked. (M/n) shook his head. He then pointed at Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Pikachu. I grabbed all of the toys, and placed them under my arm. I handed (M/n) the Eeve, then picked him up. I carried (M/n) in one arm, and the four toys in the other. 

    As I was walking to the cash register I heard a squeal. I looked behind me, and saw a group of girls. I quickly rushed to the register, and paid for the toys. I then sprinted to my car, with the girls hot on my tail. I quickly got (M/n) in, and buckled. I then jumped in my seat, and booked it out of the parking lot. I slowed down, and pulled over. I looked in the rear view mirror, and saw nothing. I looked in the back seat, and saw (M/n) sitting there peacefully playing with his Eeve.

   I calmly buckled my seat belt, then started the drive back to the dorm. Once there I climbed out, then opened (M/n)'s door. I unbuckled him, grabbed his bag, then grabbed (M/n). I carried him, and his toys inside. I placed (M/n) on the couch, then pulled off his face mask.

   "Want your other toys?" I asked. He nodded, I then pulled all of his toys out of the bag, and placed them on the couch beside him.

    "Tank oou Daddy." (M/n) said smiling up at me while holding his Eeve close to his chest.

    "Your welcome."  I said smiling down at the boy.

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