chapter eleven.

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yoongi pov

I watched as (M/n) laid on my bed sucking on his dummy softly while sleeping. He was just the cutest little thing when he was sleeping, smiling, or even spaced out. I started to softly card my fingers through (M/n)'s soft hair. He smiled in his sleep, and cuddled closer to me.

After a few minutes (M/n) started to slowly open his eyes. He brought his hands up to his eyes, and started to gently rub them. I cooed, and softly tugged his hands away from his eyes. He whined, and tried to pulled his hands back up to his eyes.

"Nuh uh prince. That's bad for your eyes." I said releasing his hands. He whined once more, and softly spit out his dummy.

"Hungwy." He said softly. I nodded, and picked him up. He rested his head against my shoulder, and grip tightly onto my shirt.

"What does my sweet little prince want for breakfast?" I asked bouncing him softly.

"'Nana, an' stwawbewwies." (M/n) said buring his face deeper into my neck. We made it to the living room, and I saw Taehung sitting on the couch.

"Hey, Taehyung could you watch (M/n) while I make his breakfast?" I asked the younger.

"Sure. Hand him over." Taehyung said opening his arms. I placed (M/n) in his arms, then walked to the kitchen. I grabbed the fruit, and quickly started to cut it into small pieces. Once they were all on a plate, I made me toast, then placed it on the table beside (M/n)'s plate.

I walked into the living room, and grabbed (M/n) from Taehyung's lap. (M/n) whined, well until he was placed in front of his plate. He smiled, and started to eat his fruit slices as I ate my toast.

(M/n) and I sat on the couch watching The Loax. Taehyung was laying on the other couch singing along with the songs, loudly might I add. (M/n) would giggle every time I told Taehung to shut his loud mouth. I didn't really mind that Taehyung was singing. The only reason I would say anything was because of (M/n)'s adorable little giggles.

"Do you like this movie baby?" Taehyung asked once it had ended.

"Yesh. Now wha'?" (M/n) asked.

"Want to watch another movie?" I asked looking down at the small child.

"Can we?" He asked.

"Sure. Now, what do you want to watch?" I asked.

"Moana!" Jimin cheered running into the room as the picture of the moive showed up.

"Wait Moana is on?!" Jungkook yelled running into the room followed by Hoseok.

"Yes. Is everyone gonna watch it with us or something?" I asked just as Namjoon and Seokjin walked into the room. Taehyung sat up, and let the other two maknaes sit beside him. Hoseok sat in the recliner, and Namjoon sat beside (M/n).

"Where am I supposed to sit?" Seokjin asked crossing his arms over his chest.

"On the floor where else?" I asked in a duh tone.

"Yoongi." Seokjin said in a stern voice. I sighed, and placed (M/n) in my lap. Seokjin smiled, and sat beside me.

"Is everyone happy now?" I asked wrapping my arms around (M/n)'s waist.

"Yes. Now, shush the movie is starting." Seokjin said. I rolled my eyes, and smiled as (M/n) grabbed ahold of my hand.

The movie had finished, and the others were all talking amongst themselves. (M/n) had fell asleep just before the movie had ended. I smiled, and carefully picked up (M/n). I carried him to our room, and laid him on my bed. I pulled the blanket up to his chin, and placed his Eevee under his arm.

I walked into the living room, and saw the guys starting to go to their rooms. Seokjin stood, and walked to the kitchen. I followed slightly behind, and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. Seokjin looked over at me, and gave a hopeful smile.

"If you think I forgave you, think again hyung." I said opening my water bottle. Seokjin frowned, and turned towards the stove.

"Yoongi, please. I would really appreciate it if you would forgive me. You seemed to forgive everyone else." Seokjin said after he turned off the stove.

"I only forgave the maknaes and Hoseok. Since it wasn't their idea." I said recapping my bottle.

"Why haven't you forgave me or Namjoon?" Seokjin asked.

"It was your idea, and Namjoon is the leader. He should have known how much it would tear apart the maknaes, Hoseok, and I." I said then walked out of the kitchen. I walked up to my room, and closed the door softly.

I sat on the bed beside (M/n), then placed my water bottle on the bed side table. (M/n) whined, and cuddled into my thigh seeking warmth. I chuckled, and softly pushed (M/n) away. I laid down beside him, then pulled him to my chest. He grabbed fist fulls of my shirt, and snuggled his face into my neck.

"Goodnight prince. I love you." I said kissing the top of his head. I pulled the blanket over us, then rewrapped my arms around (M/n). I then closed my eyes, and started to sleep soundly beside my baby boy.

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