- Chapter 27 -

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The next day was cloudy and cool, but the storm had fled at least. Eager to fill the monotony of the day with anything remotely interesting Katherine decided to call on Brandon Routley, for her boredom determined it would be best to begin planning for the picnic as soon as possible. Seeing all were occupied she called for horse (not wishing to wait for a carriage or barouche) and started off towards Norcastle. Upon entering the home she was informed Mr Routley was not receiving visitors today. Katherine asked him to tell Routley who the visitor was as she believed she was expected. The footman returned and told her in a disapproving tone that Mr Routley would see her. She followed him into the study where she was hit by a wall of heat.

Routley was sitting near the fire swaddled in blankets and at first glance it was blaringly clear he was abominably unwell. His pale face shone with sweat in the light of the flames and great dark bags drooped under his eyes.

"Gracious Mr Routley, you are one foot in the grave!"

He glanced at her weakly and broke into a fit of coughs.

"Oh no, this will not do, you are the spitting image of your mother." She ignored his glare and with determined stride was by his side, snapping the blankets off of him and dragging him to his feet.

"Oy, are you trying to bloody kill me!?" he yelled in surprise, voice sore from coughing.

"Nay sir, what fun would that be with you in this state? When I kill you, you will be in your best form with sword in hand. Far be it from me to take unfair advantage."

"You are mad!" He protested as she led him from the room towards the outdoors. "I am ill, I must rest and keep warm, away from the diseases outdoors!"

She scoffed at him. "Dr Routley, your wisdom and knowledge are unsurpassable."

"Don't patronize me."

"There is no disease outside, only sun and fresh air. It will clear your lungs and cool your fever." She laid out one of the blankets she had stolen off him and instructed him to lay. Telling the footman who had followed them to bring tea and biscuits she rolled the other blanket under his head. He sighed grumpily, shading his eyes. "How dramatic you are." she sighed in reply, sitting nearby so her shadow protected his head from the sun. His breath slowly grew less raspy and the sheen of sweat faded from his face.

"How are you not ill? I was led to believe women had delicate constitutions."

Katherine chuckled. "Perhaps women who have spent most of their lives indoors and used umbrellas to fend off the sun whenever they dared step outside. But I was raised in the outdoors and much healthier for it."

Mrs Aubrey soon hurried over with a maid, carrying with them platters of food and libations. They enjoyed a quiet picnic outdoors during which Routley mostly slept and Katherine compiled a guest list.


Katherine found it surprisingly easy to sneak away to Norcastle. With the last Miss Wheaton away for the season and the rest of her family often occupied with their own pursuits, the occasional visit from Eliza Ritewood was the only thing that may keep her; though, of late, Miss Ritewood seemed almost too easy to avoid. On her way to Norcastle to discuss party planning one sunny afternoon, Katherine met Eliza at the door as she was just arriving.

"Oh, Lily, I was just going for a stroll. Do you wish to join me?" She plastered a smile on her face, worried she may need to postpone her meeting with Mr Routley.

"Not in the least, don't fret Kat." Replied she cheerily. "You needn't go out of your way to entertain me. I wouldn't want to intrude on your quiet time."

If Katherine had not been on urgent secret business she may have thought her friend's response quite odd and sat her down for an interrogation; but as it was, she merely creased her brow and said, after a slight hesitation. "Well if you insist, I shan't be long."

"Oh yes, yes of course, and no need to hurry back on my account."

Katherine, mind occupied elsewhere, gave her friend's hand a quick squeeze before scurrying out the door. Lady Compton appeared in the hall as the front doors closed. "Ah, Miss Ritewood Dear, I cannot endure the pleasure of your company today as I was just heading for a lay down with a terrible pain in my head. John is in the library." Miss Ritewood wished Lady Compton to feel better soon and hurried off to with a smile. Lady Compton grinned and trotted outdoors to the garden were Mrs Wheaton spoke to a gardener.

"How are your flowers today?" she asked cheerfully.

"Oh fine, blooming beautifully. How are you this afternoon, all your letter-writing done?"

"Oh I'm well as ever. Come, show me what you have planned for my garden renovation!"

They were interrupted by a footman carrying a letter for Lady Compton Baroness of Rosforte and Family.

"Oh!" Lady Compton exclaimed, handing the invitation to Mrs Wheaton "Why Mary, we have been invited to a picnic at Norcastle."

"Won't that be lovely." Mrs Wheaton smiled as she read it over. "I do hope the weather doesn't turn by then."

"Oh no, it is but a week from now; and summer is at it's peek in August."

"It would have been difficult decision for Mr Routley to open his home to us all." Mrs Wheaton mulled "It cannot be easy to be the master of a home you know so little; and to fill the halls once more with gaiety would, in a way, be to finally put the memory of one's mother to rest."

"While I agree you may be right to some small extent, I believe he's avoided opening his home this long due to a general dislike for people and society."

"Not so, surely! He has always been quite the socialite. He adored the London season, a little too much from what I heard."

"Perhaps once, but there has been a marked change in him since Trafalgar. Battle has a way of putting things into perspective and I feel it matured him, finally."

"You are right, I too have seen it. I wonder, though," Mrs Wheaton said, worry creasing her brow "how this picnic will turn out; he has little experience in the way of a host." 

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