Chapter 9

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Jennie's Pov

I was on my stomach, completely naked and fantasizing about Lisa's hands kneading much more intimate parts of my body, when a text alert buzzed on my phone, which sat on a chair in the corner. My masseuse, Harbin clicked her tongue disapprovingly over the interruption.

"You're all tense now, girl". Chastised me. "Relax". I tried to, but after last weekend, there was only one women my body obeyed. I focused on the new age music drifting through the room and slipped back to my fantasies. When I pried my limp body from the table at the end of the session, I grabbed my phone, surprised to see the text I received from Lisa.

[Lisa: There's a window in this room that would benefit from having your naked body spread across it.]

I fumbled as I typed a response, half dizzy from my near comatose state. The fact that I could hear the sexy rasp of Lisa's voice in my head reading the message didn't help.

After I was dressed, I stepped into the hall to discover my mouth waiting for me. She looped her arm through mine and sighed. "Wasn't that wonderful? I didn't even know I was so tense".

"Me either". I said

"Are you ready to shop?". She asked. I nodded, stifling the urge to groan. I was going to need another massage after spending the day shopping under my mother's critical eye. Pocketing my phone, I smiled at her. "Lead the way".

A few hours and a small fortune later, we stopped to meet my sister's for lunch. The afternoon crowd at Hillgrove's consisted mostly of ladies who lunch, like my mother, and a few tourists who are busy snapping of their high tea sandwich assortment. My mother gave the a distasteful look, adjusting the brim of her Stephen Jones hat while we waited for my younger sister to join us. Our shopping bags were piled on an empty seat and Mom had taken the liberty of ordering already. Just as she had taken the liberty of choosing a dozen new dresses for me. I'd managed to convince her to let me pay, and I'd even gone so far as to buy a few pair of heels. Although I wasn't likely to get much use wearing them around the studio, but since my social life had taken a surprising upturn last Friday, I knew I'd have plenty of opportunities to wear them. I hadn't even thought her when she thrust to selection of short, sexy dresses at me.

"I'm so glad you picked some new things". She said, sipping a martini. Most of the women here were drinking out of teacups, but Mom was on her first cocktail. It was the little things that showed she was an alcoholic still, wether she liked it or not.

"I want to make a good impression at my new job". I shrugged as if this was perfectly obvious. I didn't tell her that at least half of the things I'd purchased I planned to wear for Lisa. I kept this to myself not only because I wasn't ready to tell her I was seeing her but also because I wasn't sure how long the relationship would last. Lisa and I had struck a tenuous agreement, one I wasn't entirely comfortable with and I didn't think my Mom would understand that I was screwing her with no commitment on her part. Exclusivity meant nothing to her if it wasn't coupled with a diamond on the finger.

"And you'll look fabulous on dates". She said.

"Sorry I'm late!". My sister Ella said, arriving in time to save me from Mom's curiosity regarding my love life. She flashed us a winning smile as she dropped her purse on the floor and took a seat. Dressed in a sleeveless cream-colored she'll that hung loosely over her black leggings, Ella looked as if she'd stepped from pages of a fashion magazine. The ensemble might have been plain on someone without eye for style, but she paired it with a chic, yellow scarf and gold studs. She pushed her large, movie star sunglasses up to hold back the dark hair that waved over her shoulders.

"How was your meeting, Ella?". Our mother asked.

"It was fine". Ella shot me a conspiratorial wink, and I did my best not to groan. I'd had no doubt that her sudden scheduling conflict had more to do with sleeping off late night than the cutest summer internship she'd landed at a marketing firm in Chelsea.

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