Chapter 17

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Jennie's Pov

The weekend flew by without a word from Lisa, and I began to feel the first tendrils of doubt rooting in me. She'd broken her rules and shown a part of herself to me that she'd sworn to keep hidden, and then I pushed her further.

It was this thought preoccupying me as I got to my desk on Monday morning. I'd purposefully headed in early so as not to deal with the swiveling heads I knew would follow my entry. Thankfully, the few people who had magically gotten there even earlier than me merely mumbled sleepy hellos as I passed. But when I got to my desk, the answer I've been waiting for was already there. In the form of another hand-delivered note card. I picked it up and flipped it over, my heart thrilling as I brushed my fingers along the smooth wax seal. Plucking the flap open, I withdrew the card and read:


Have a less dramatic week at work. I am tied up with family business, but I will see you soon.


I'd rather she was tied up with me, but I held the card to my chest, then glanced around to see if anyone noticed. It was thrilling to know her words were for my eyes only. I tucked the note into my desk drawer, but thought better of it and stuck it in my purse. Not only did I want to ward off rumors that could affect my working relationships here, but I also didn't know if I could trust any of these people. Not when private information about Lisa was worth a premium. My new boss Joy head popped into my office, she was taking over Mr. Yang's work for a few months due to personal reasons. Curiosity glinting in her eyes.

"You had a delivery this morning Lis."

"Yeah, I got it. Thanks Joy" It was best to leave it at that even though that she was a teddy bear.

"And I saw you on the news this weekend." She teased. "Did you feel like Cinderella?"

Yeah, I thought, especially the part where she runs away from the ball. But I didn't tell her that, instead I shrugged, letting her good-natured ribbing roll off my back. "I came home with both of my shoes, so sadly no."

"Fine, don't give me the sordid details." Joy pressed a hand to her chest. "I'm wounded, really."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a notebook. "Don't we have a meeting to prep for?"

"Yeah, the band that you mention to Mr.  Yang, Bts for next Tuesday."

Within seconds, she'd switched to full business mode, giving me a reprieve from the questions about my personal life. We settled into starting putting together Bts first song and hoping they would like it. By the time Joy stood up to leave, it was already noon.

"I should order something up." She said checking her watch.

"Actually, I'm going to grab something to bring to my desk. What can I get you?." I asked. A relieved smile spread across her face.

"Jennie you're a saint. There's a fantastic curry place around the corner, but it gets packed at lunch. You might want to call it in now."

I found the curry counter online and placed an order. Sliding my purse onto my shoulder before leaving my office.

London buzzed with Monday afternoon energy, everyone rushing to get a leg up on the week ahead. The temperature had risen, as had the humidity, announcing the near arrival of summer. I pulled my hair up off my neck, unsticking a few sweaty strands, and pulled it back into a pony tail. Despite the heat, I welcomed the sun soaking into my skin. May had been rainy up until this point, and I was ready for the change of season.

Pleasure ~ JenlisaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon