Chapter Two

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While Keith and Hunk were making sure Lance got fed, Allura and Coran went to look in the castles storage to see if they could find any kid stuff that had been packed away. Shiro and Pidge were off testing a sample of the dust Coran had found that he brought back with him from his second trip.

"Lance!" Shiro and Pidge suddenly heard Hunk yell.

"Get back here!" Hunk yelled again but not in an angry way. In a concerned way.

Shiro and Pidge looked at each other sharing a look of confusion. They walked out into the hallway to see a little Lance running down the hall with a pair of scissors in hand with Hunk and Keith following behind.

Lance suddenly saw Shiro and Pidge in the hallway and his face lit up.

"Pid! Iro!" Lance yelled excitedly running up to Shiro who picked Lance up.

"What's going on?" Shiro looked at Hunk and Keith as they caught up chuckling slightly.

Pidge noticed the scissors in Lance's hand and suddenly looked horrified as she quickly reached up grabbing them from Lance.

"Lance." Pidge says seriously.

"Pid." Lance said back.

"You shouldn't run with scissors you could get hurt." She said

Lance seemed to ponder what she was saying for a minute when he suddenly noticed the white part of Shiro's hair.

Lance poked at it curiously while suddenly announcing "Keef is a pretty princess."

Shiro raised an eyebrow at Keith while Pidge and Hunk started laughing.

Keith's face turned a light shade of pink.

"There you are." Allura said as she and Coran came up to the group holding boxes of toys and clothes.

On top of the box of toys Lance noticed two lions. A blue one and a red one. He instantly tried to reach behind Shiro and grab them whining when he couldn't reach.

"Play?" He asked nobody in particular.

"Lets go back to the lounge and you can play." Hunk said

They all went back to the lounge and Shiro set Lance on the floor and Coran gently dumped the bucket of toys in front of Lance.

He immediately went for the red and blue lions setting them in his lap while looking at all the other toys.

After a little bit Shiro pulled Keith off to the side to talk to him.

"Is he hard to handle?" Shiro asked

"Not really." Keith mumbled "He'll have to sleep in my room. I don't think he should be alone in his."

Shiro nodded and put a hand on Keith's shoulder "You'll figure it out. We're here to help too"

Lance noticed Shiro put his hand on Keith and he suddenly jumped up grabbing the red and blue lions.

"No!" Lance yelled running at Keith and Shiro standing in between them.

"Lance? What's wrong?" Keith asked

Lance looked at Shiro angrily.

"Keef mine!" Lance yelled suddenly "So no touchy! I gonna marry Keef one day! This pwoves it!" Lance says the best he can still struggling to pronounce some things as he hands Keith the blue lion.

"What?" Shiro said shocked

"Blue mine. Keef mine." Lance grabbed Keith's hand dragging him away from Shiro.

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