Chapter Eight

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Why must they just be so perfect?
Also let me know if you're enjoying the story and if I should continue writing it.


One Month Later

It had been one month since Allura have Lance to Lotor. It had been one month since anyone, besides Allura, got a decent sleep. Krolia had gone back to the blade of mamora.

Allura didn't seem to feel bad at all. She was upset because the blue lion refused to accept her as their new paladin. So Voltron could not be formed. They still fought the Galra, it was harder but they did it.

They still searched for Lance, they wouldn't give up until they found him.

No one spoke to Allura unless they absolutely had to. Coran still talks to her but hardly, he is extremely disappointed in her.

"Paladins! I don't see why you're still mad at me!" Allura suddenly said at the dinner table "It's been so peaceful without Lance! I did us all a favour!"

Keith balled his hands into a fist taking deep breaths before abruptly standing up.

"Screw you Allura." He said as he stormed out of the room before stopping in the doorway he turned back to her and said "Is this how you would have treated the children on Altea?" Then he left.

No one said anything after that.


Lotor didn't particularly hurt Lance, but he wasn't the nicest to him either. Occasionally he would let him roam the ship, having a guard with him at all times of course, but most of the time he left him locked in a cell. He had given him a pillow, two blankets, and a teddy bear that Ezor had made saying "he may be a paladin but he's still a kid."

Lance had placed on blanket on the ground laying on it before pulling the other one over him burying his face in the pillow and holding the teddy bear close to his chest.

" me....." He mumbled as he cried into his pillow, Lance still doesn't talk, when he does it's when he's alone and this is all he says.

Suddenly the cell door opened to reveal a Galra Lance had never seen before. Lance backed up against the wall as the Galra approached him.

"I am taking you to Haggar." The Galra solider said.

Lances eyes widened and he tried to run, he may hate being here but he remembered her and he hated behind there more.

The Galra ran forward and picked Lance up before running out of the cell and down the hallway.

Lance struggled in his grip trying to get free.

Suddenly Lotor stepped in the soldiers path.

"Where do you think you're taking my prisoner?" Lotor raised an eyebrow.

The Galra stopped and held Lance tighter causing Lance to let out a little yelp of pain.

"Give him back." Lotor said.

"I will not."

Suddenly the Galras arm was shot forcing him to drop Lance to grab his arm.

Lance immediately shot up and ran toward Lotor not having anywhere else to go.

Lotor quickly picked Lance up and held him tightly.

"Get rid of him." Lotor ordered to Narti, the general who came up behind the intruder.

Lotor quickly left so Lance wouldn't see what happened next.

After that Lotor kept Lance at his side. He still wasn't nice but he wasn't horrible either.

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