Chapter Five

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Credit to this chapter goes partly to my cousin because she was the one who came up with how to make it more interesting.

I love that video.


Lance was sitting in a room alone, they had uncuffed him and taken the gag out of his mouth.

He sat with his knees pulled up to his chest and his face buried in them as he cried.

Haggar watched him through the camera she set up in the room. While she looked at Lance she remembered Lotor. How she didn't get to raise him, or take care of him, watch him grow up properly.

She knew that she could use her magic to make it so that Lance would stay a child. She could raise him as her own, have a second chance.

She could use it as an experiment.

She immediately set off to create the spell, she had to get it done before the paladins show up, she only has 3 hours after all.


Keith was pacing around the bridge.

"This is all my fault." Keith says

"No it isn't." Shiro said placing his hand on Keith's shoulder.

"It is! I left him alone!" Keith yelled.

"No one could have seen this happening. You didn't know." Hunk said.

"We will get him back Keith." Pidge added in.

"And when we do," Shiro started "You and Lance will both stay here."

"But..." Keith glanced over at Allura who was clearly angry about the efforts everyone was putting in to save Lance.

"We will all protect him. Allura will just have to deal with it. No matter what she says or does, does not change what happened to Lance nor does it change the fact he is our family." Shiro said

"I don't know why Allura is acting that way with Lance. On Altea she was always taking care of the children. She loves kids." Coran stated.

"Why would she treat Lance like that then?" Pidge asked

Everyone moved to talk around Pidge so they weren't talking loudly through the room and Allura left and went to her room.

"It doesn't make any sense." Hunk added

"She hasn't been the same since finding out about Altea. Maybe it's stress. I really can't say. However that is not an excuse." Coran said

Everyone sighed and went back to work on trying to locate the ship and come up with a plan.


After two hours Haggar finally completed the spell.  It's nothing more than a potion to pour on his forehead.

Haggar put it in a bottle and set off to get Lance.

Krolia has been working with Haggar as a spy for the B.O.M.

She heard about Lance and has set off to look for him, who know what Haggar will do.

Krolia finally found where Lance was being kept but before she got the chance to go in and get him she saw Haggar walk into the room.

Krolia very carefully looked inside the room to watch Haggar.

"Don't worry my child," Haggar said gently tilting Lance's head upward "I am not here to hurt you."

"I..." Lance started but couldn't speak through all his sobbing.

"You are no longer the blue paladin of Voltron." She said as she poured a few drops of the potion on Lance's head "With this you will not turn back, you will grow up slowly, just like a normal child. I will raise you as my own."

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