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Percy Flynn

"Pax?" I asked, walking towards him and glancing at Spencer who was already looking at him.

"Hey." He gestured to himself with both arms. "Are you surprised or are you surprised?"

I rolled my eyes slapping a hand against my forehead. His hair was finally different, "Oh my God."

He tossed his head back and laughed. "Yup, I got a haircut and I'm here because I'm avoiding Sebastian and Landon went over to see his grandmother, while Ry is bedridden because she twisted her ankle after going on a one on one race with Pamela. Can you believe it, Ela is faster than her. We all guessed it but because of her ass we thought Ry would be faster by the looks of things, we were so wrong and Ry's sulking so I can't like, be around her right now. So---"

"You know I didn't ask for your life story, right?" I interrupted with a frown, trying so hard not to glance back at Spencer.

Paxton smiled, "yeah, sorry."

"Wait," I sieved through his speech. "So you're avoiding Sebastian? Why?"

He frowned looked up to the sky, looked around and froze. "Don't want to talk about it. Is... Is that Spencer? Tracey?"


I followed his eyes and saw him looking at Spencer who was swinging his bat up in the air, clearly trying to distract himself by looking as if he's preparing to play. I frowned. "Yeah, that's him."

Paxton moved closer. "Oh my God, he's signed in here?"

"Nope." I turned back to him, biting my lip as I weighed what I was about telling him.

"Oh." He scratched his now shorter hair that I still haven't paid attention to. "So?"

I shrugged, "Yeah? Can't he just be here on his own? Without me having anything to do with it?"

"Yeah he can but," he paused and the next thing I know he's narrowing his eyes at me. "Speak."

"Fine, I invited him over."

"Oh." He pursed his lips in thought. "Why?"

I shrugged.

"I thought. . ."

"Hey, Spencer," I called and he turned to us with raised brows, as I waved him over. Nobody could have seen him sigh but I did.

He slowly walked up to us, his hands searching for pockets to sink into but they found none. "Hey." He turned to Paxton and I noticed his cheeks color a bit. "Hi Paxton."

Paxton shook hands with him, "Hi Spencer. I didn't know you played."

"I-I don't." He nervously looked at the racket, sighed and looked back at Paxton. "Cool haircut."

"Really?" Pax reached up to touch his hair. "I'm regretting it, to be honest."

"What, why? It really looks good. Like, really."

"I guess."

Spencer smiled. "Why'd you get one then, if you don't want it?"

"I did. Two seconds before the scissors descended, I really did."

I slowly backed away from the duo, feeling something claw at my heart that I could understand. The way Spencer didn't even turn to me once, the way he couldn't keep his eyes off Paxton. The way he was smiling like a kid talking to his superhero. I can't believe all I was thinking about was how I liked him and how I wanted him to like me back, forgetting that he was in love with my brother and lookalike.

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