Percy Flynn
There were glow sticks, loud music, and more than enough drinks. Even though I was grounded at least mom was compassionate enough to let me come to my own birthday party that Melody and Henry were throwing for me. She had to let me especially after the horrible things she did to Spencer and I during dinner. She even asked who was going to bottom if we wanted to have sex and wanted to know how experienced Spence was in the gay department... God, we would have scars for life.
Anyway this party was desperately needed and I loved it the minute I stepped in holding Spencer's hand. Everybody, the entire junior grade and many other people I knew and didn't know shouted a big 'happy birthday' to me. The lights were turned off, only the glow to make sure you didn't step on someone's face. We were handed glow sticks and even a glowing hat for me.
"He was sixteen, now he is seventeen, how awesome is that change?!" Mel sang falling into my arms in a warm hug. "Percy you made it."
"I wouldn't miss my own birthday party, Mel." I said hugging her back as I let go of Spencer. I made sure to wink at him and he blushed looking at his glow stick like it was some magic wand. "How drunk are you?"
She smiled at me. "Just a teeny weenie bit." She turned to Spencer grinning at him. "Hi Spencer, nice to see you here."
"N-nice to see you too, Melody," He said keeping an eye contact with her. That was improvement on his part. He was more himself everyday and I was loving it.
"Where's Henry?" Mel asked looking around.
"I gave him my puppy to keep safe."
"You have a puppy, again?" She asked with wide eyes and I smiled, nodding. "Congrats, I hope nothing happens to this one."
"Nothing will, witch."
She grinned, blew a kiss my way and grabbed Spencer. "Let's go play some games Spence. Can you still speak your four languages?"
He looked at me as if confirming if I was okay with him leaving. I nodded. "Go ahead, I'mma go great some guys and get drinks." He nodded, turned back to a still talking Melody and together they disappeared into the crowd of bodies.
I sighed, started dancing to the beat of the loud music as I walked over to my friends on the team. They attacked me with bro shakes and hugs everywhere and soon I was laughing and talking with the red plastic cup. I could see Spencer though and he looked like he was having a great time playing pool with Mel and some other people. He'd look back once in a while, smile when he sees me and go back to the game. I think he was winning and that was not surprising because my Spencer was as smart as that.
"Percy!" A familiar voice yelled and I turned right before a jumping Janis jumped me, crossing her legs and hands over me. I was thankful that my back was to a table else she would have sent us both to the ground. She had really short shorts on and an off shoulder crop top.
"Janis, what the--" I was cut off by her lips attacking mine in a hard kiss. I was stunned for a sec but then I was pushing her off me the next, using the back of my hand to wipe my lips. "The fuck's wrong with you?"
She just smiled, trying to put her hands around me again, I backed up. "Happy Seventeenth Birthday! Remember how we made plans for today? We were finally going on a road trip to--"
I cut her off guessing she's drunk. "Yeah I remember but in case you are not aware right now, we're no more together. You cheated on me with Bernard and all plans have been nullified?"
"I'm not with Bernard anymore. I've not been with anyone all this time and I've apologized a thousand times. It's been months Percy, we're supposed to be together!" She cried, tears pooling in her eyes.

Our Fooling Game
Teen FictionPercy Flynn is the school's golden boy that everyone loves, he has a girlfriend, friends he loves and the one he hates. Spencer Tracey just happens to be among the ones he hates, after a falling out that included his brother, Percy swore never to ha...