Chapter 8

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Fun fact...

I thought a Decepticon was a shape. (Ya know like the transformers shit: Autobots vs. Decepticons).


My breath caught in my throat as Fallon stopped outside two large doors. I heard voices inside, and I felt bile rise through me in fear. My palms went cold by my side. My heart began to race at the reality of the situation. I was going to say yes, to whatever they asked me to do. I was going to have to agree. If I didn't...I was doomed.

I felt my scar start to burn, and I knew immediately...He was in there. The Devil was in there, waiting for me, waiting to torment me.

My lightning seemed to answer my fears as it sparked through my fingers, lighting up the dark hallway with its flashes of bright purple.

Fallon stared at me, frowning as he glanced at my fingers that sparked by my side.

"I don't know if I can do this." I said lowly, hoping the voices on the other side of the door wouldn't hear me.

He sighed impatiently, "I'll walk with you, so you don't have to do it alone. Let's just hurry the fuck up."

I didn't want him to be close to me, but I nodded anyways, grateful to not be as alone as I thought. Fallon nodded, hovering one hand close to the small of my back, and with the other, he opened the massive doors.

It was a massive, dark room. A large oak table sat in the middle, and around it, sat six men. Six, terrifying, unerving men. All of them wearing dark clothes, their eyes following me as Fallon ushered me into the room. The Devil sat at the head of the table, an evil smirk played at the edge of his lips as he watched me with those speckled-red eyes. He wore a black suit, his dark tattoos snaking out from under his collar.

It was hard to put an age on him. I guess that's a given when you're immortal. He could either be 25 or 250, I wouldn't know. The Devil tapped his rings against a wine glass, watching me like a shark as I made my way into the room.

I will not be intimidated.

I stood tall, keeping all of my emotions hidden deep inside of me as I stared at the open seat next to the Devil. I ignored His eyes, and all the others, as I walked slowly to the seat, and sat down. The room was freezing cold, and I was thankful for the thick, Gothic clothes that were draped around me.

"Thank you for joining us, Willow. You look less terrible than last time." The Devil gazed at me, his words were semi polite, but his eyes were filled with murderous hate.

    I turned to the food on the table, eating everything that was on my plate. I ignored the eyes on me as I scarfed down the meat and potatoes. Only when I was done, did I respond to the Devil,

"Oh really? Last I recall, I put you on your ass."

His eyes turned more red as he feigned politeness, laughing humorlessly.

A voice cleared and I looked up to see a man with dark hair, and even darker eyes. He wore the same attire as everyone in the room, his nose looked as though it had been broken many times. There were a few scars that etched his lips, and he watched the Devil and I interact with a stony face.

"As amusing as this may be, we have other matters to discuss. Romen, would you care to explain?" The dark eyed man asked.

Who the fuck is Romen?

I looked around the table and say the Devil working his jaw in thought, as the dark eyed man focused his attention on him.

The Devil's name is Romen.

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