Chapter 17

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Fun Fact...

Did you know the Porn Hub "intro" song is the ringtone on my phone?

Whenever someone calls me in front of my mom, she always looks so disappointed in me :(


Working out is the most painful, irritating thing. Especially when all you can think about is pizza, cookies, and the terrible reality of a goddess who was currently doing like, a thousand pull ups in front of me. Of course Rose could do pull ups. I can do half of one, and honestly, I'm okay with that. I tried my best to ignore her as I tried to strengthen myself.

But then again, I wasn't really that okay with her being better than me. Yeah, I know, I'm a jealous, petty lil bitch.

I put my hands on the bar that stood a couple feet above me and launched myself up, giving it everything I had to pull my weight up. I really needed to stop eating so much because there was no possible way I could do a fucking pull up.

"What the fuck is that? That's not a pull up." Rose yelled out to me from across the room.

"Hey Rose!" I called out to her.


"Shut the fuck up!"

I flung myself to the ground. I was trying to make myself physically stronger, but working out had never been my strong suit.

And now, here I was: Laying face-down on the floor, watching Rose do like fifty-thousand pull ups. To make things worse, Fallon was also doing some Hulk shit, lifting 200 pound weights like it was no biggie.

Hah, I feel unhealthy.

I had been out with Jamie every day for the last two weeks, killing criminals of every kind. It was troubling for me; determining who lives and who dies. That was not a job for an 18 year-old girl. That was a job for a much higher power.

It scared me how easily the killing had become to me. How simple the action of taking another life had become. I made sure never to attack first, I wanted to see what these criminals were truly capable of: if they would really try and harm a girl holding no weapon.

The Devil had told me that it was up to me to decide what kind of monster I would become. But every day, I've found myself losing the scattered pieces of my soul...the pieces that cared about the kind of monster I was. I only felt the power of taking a life. I didn't care about the repercussions of my actions, only the feeling of raw power that came with the killing.

I'm pretty sure I'm a psychopath.

I hadn't seen much of the Devil over the past couple weeks. He seemed more pissed than usual, which said a lot. He was completely on edge. I wanted to high five whatever fucker made him mad, because the Devil was a total asshole.

I watched Rose dismount from the pull-up bar, wiping sweat from her forehead. Jesus, even her sweat was pretty. Who the fuck looks that good when they sweat. She wore a tiny ass sports bra that put her big ass titties on DISPLAY. She even had a friggin six pack, her muscular arms flexing as she swept her hair away from her face.

I noticed Fallon staring at her. His watery gray eyes wide as he gazed at her with longing.

Ohmygod he totally wants to fuck her.

Fallons eyes shot towards me and I smiled awkwardly. I totally forgot he could read my mind. Fallon glared at me as he stood, walking towards me. I sat up, crossing my legs in front of me as I plastered the most innocent look on my face.

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