Vegeta x Doctor!Reader; Life Saver

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Prompt; "You're not a solider, you're a doctor." "I'm an army doctor, which means I can break every bone in your body while naming them."

Request; Vampair

Warnings; cursing

Word Count; 1,306 (SHIT THIS IS LONG)

Notes; Hey! New book, glad your here! Now, for this to work, Bulma and Vegeta are NOT together, although I do ship them. Reader is one of Bulma's old friends, and said blue-haired lady hired you to help out when the guys are training. Also for the sake of being funny, you are shorter than Vegeta. This has been a friendly PSA.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

I took a sip of my coffee, pushing the button to bring the elevator down to me. I was currently standing on the first floor of Capsule Corps. for my new day job. My best friend since, Kami, childhood, most likely, Bulma Briefs, had offered me a job, to work for her. When she became one of the greatest inventors Earth had seen, I went off to become a soldier. Well, technically an Army Doctor, but I had bad days.

I was pulled out of my stroll down memory lane when I heard the elevator bell ding. I stepped into the box and pushed the button to floor number 12, where Bulma's lab was. I tapped my foot, sipping lightly on my caffeinated drink, a slight sigh escaping my lips. I smiled when the door opened, and I saw the familiar blue hair of my friend. There were discarded carry out boxes and empty coffee cups strewn about, and the said woman was hunched over a blueprint.

"Burning the midnight oil again, are we?" I asked with a chuckle. Bulma looked up at me, her eyes lighting up.

"(Y/n), come here, I need your help for a second." I shook my head, a smile on my lips.

"Well good morning to you too."

I set down my coffee and took off my coat, leaving me in a pair of jeans and tank top.

"Can you lift this up for me?" she asked, pointing to one of her newest inventions. I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms.

"Don't you have guys for this?"

"Yeah but, you're closer!"

I huffed, but did as she asked. I raised the thing up, and held it, watching as she got under it, and started tinkering away.

"You do realise you hired a doctor, right?" I asked, shifting the weight a little bit, "Actually, I'm still not entirely sure why you hired me, Bulma." Her head popped out from under it, giving me a light glare.

"Stop moving," she grumbled, rolling under it once again, "I hired you because I have friends that seem to be injured all the time, and instead of paying huge hospital bills, I pay you for less and the job is 20 times better. Besides, you have other skills besides first aid."

I huffed in amusement. I saw Bulma and her blue hair get out from where she was, and stood up.

"All done. You can put it down now." I let out a sigh of relief and set the invention down with a soft thunk. She clapped me on the shoulder, "Say why don't we go get my assistant to bring us some food?"

I was about to reply, but was cut off with a loud "BOOM!"

"What was that?" I asked, glancing around.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling I know who caused it." Bulma said, grabbing my hand. She dragged me to the elevator. I watched in confusion as she basically punched the button for floor 9.

I was about to ask her what was going on again when the door binged about, and the box was filled with smoke and dust. I coughed, waving a hand in front of my face.

"What the fuck, Bulma?" I asked. She coughed as well, stepping out onto the floor. I followed her, and almost had a heart attack when a man floated down to meet us.

"Sorry Bulma, we were training in the Gravity Chamber and I guess things got a bit out of hand." He said, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"I'll say!" Bulma wandered a bit closer to the destroyed room, and I took my chance to study the man a little closer. He had spiky black hair and coffee coloured eyes. He was incredibly well toned, and was wearing a orange and blue gi.

He was covered in some dust and there was some small scrapes here and there. When I looked up again, he was right in front of me.

"Who are you?" he asked, much like a child.

"Oh! I'm Bulma's friend, (Y/n) (L/n), nice to meet you...?" I asked, sticking out my hand. He took it giving it a firm shake.

"I'm Goku. Son Goku." he said, a smile on his face. I moved my torso to the side so I could yell at the blue-haired female.

"Aiy Bulma!"

"What?" her voice shouted, somewhere in all the dust.

"Where's the first aid kit?"

"Wall next to the elevator!"

"Thanks!" I turned and soon I found the small white box with the red cross on it. I grabbed it and walked back over to Goku.

"Sit." I said, pointing to a chunk of what I assumed was concrete.

"Why?" he asked, tilting his head at me. I grabbed my by the arm and made him sit down so he was more or less at my height level. I grabbed Q-Tip and some Antibacterial and started clean his cuts.

"Because it's my job." I said. He watched me as I worked and then smiled again.

"Hey! I remember you! Yeah! I came by Capsule Corps. when I was younger to visit Bulma once and I saw you!" I stopped what I was doing, and retaliation dawned on my face.

"Wait a minute! You're that little short kid with the staff and the tail?" I asked, continuing my work.

"Yeah! That's me!" I chuckled.

"Huh. Small world." I had finished putting band aids on his cuts when I heard Bulma shout.
"(Y/n)! Come here! I need your help!" Her voice was slightly panicked and I slammed the kit shut and dash to where I had last saw her. I coughed, waving a hand in front of my face as I kicked up more dust.

"Where are you?"

"Over here!" I saw her hand waving in the air, and ran towards it.

"What's wrong?" I asked kneeling down beside her.

"He's stuck!"

My face paled, and I quickly shoved the first aid kit into her lap.

"Step back!" I ordered. Bulma did, and I quickly jammed my hands into the cracks, and I hissed as I felt the rough edges scrapping at my hands. I pulled up, and moved the first piece of debris out of the way. I saw bits of a person under some more rubble, and I quickly started trying to move the rest of it out of the way. I lifted and I felt the concrete move a little.

I grunted and pushed.

"Shit! Bulma, I can't get this piece up all the way! I need some help!" I shouted over my shoulder. She nodded, and turned to where I had come from.
"Goku! We need some help! Vegeta's stuck!" I grunted louder, and I felt it raise some more. I felt whoosh of air and suddenly Goku was there beside me.

His face was covered in awe.

"Wow! You're really strong!" Bulma slapped his arm.
"Help her!" she hissed, and I gave a breathless chuckle.

"Well," I huffed, shoving at the block, "I wasn't in the army for nothing."

The rest of the rubble was cleared like it was nothing thanks to Goku's help, and I could finally see who was trapped under all off the concrete. He was a short male, with gravity defying hair, wearing a blue jumpsuit without sleeves, his arms where covered in scrapes and bruises, and there was a large gash on his forehead. I glanced over him for more wounds, and I winced. His leg was bent at an odd angle, and I knew it was broken. I slung his arms over my shoulder and lifted him, grabbing the first aid kit from Bulma.

"Bulma, I need a room. Now." She nodded and stood. I followed her back to the elevator, Goku following us.

To be continued....

Ayyyy, anybody ready for part 2?

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