Raditz x Reader; Big Brother

861 20 1

Prompt; "You mean you're not from around here?" "Nope." "Like not... even earth?" "Nope." "Wow... that's just, wow!" "Yep."

Request; none

Warnings; Very long (but surprisingly no cursing)

Word Count; 2,080 words (This probably should be two parts but eh, imma be lazy)

Notes; This is based off art I've seen for an AU where Raditz lands with Goku on Earth (It's freakin' adorable). ALSO! (Y/n) is 15 yrs old. I'm making Raditz 17ish because in DBZ his age is over 26 (Which is very unhelpful for me), so I made things up, and (Y/n) has helped out Gohan(Grandpa) around his house before Goku and Radizt arrive, and after, so Radizt and (Y/n) are good friends, the same with Goku. P.S; Radizt is a lowkey tsunedere. Anywho, enjoy! 

~(Y/n)'s POV~

I glanced up the dirt path, the bags on my back getting heavier with each second.

"Almost...there...You still with me Kei?" I asked turning to the peppered coloured sheep dog treading next to me. 

(This is what Kei looks like)

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(This is what Kei looks like)

I trudged forwards again, and when I finally made it over the hill, I raised my eyes to glance at the small house that rested at the top.

"(Y/N)!" I blanched when a blur of orange, blue, and black launched itself at my face, tackling me to the ground.

"Ack! G-Goku!" I laughed, sitting as slightly as the boy rubbed his cheek on the side of my face, his tiny arms wrapped halfway around my torso and arms.

"I missed you!~" he grinned at me, and it was hard not to smile back; his aborible smile was contagious. I rubbed his head, his black hair soft under my fingers.

"I was here a week ago, Goku!" I giggled.

"I know...but I still missed you!" He hopped off me, and petted Kei, and laughed when the dog licked his face, and I stood, brushing the dirt off my (f/c) pants and shirt.

"Help me carry this stuff to the house?" I asked, gesturing to the bags of supplies that sat on the ground behind me.

"Sure!" He grabbed one, and hefted it over his head like it didn't weigh 20 pounds, and started off towards the house.

He stopped and turned back to me.

"You coming (Y/n)?" I smiled at the boy, and grabbed the other bags, and walked up to meet him.

"I'll race ya!" I gasped as he started to jog the rest of the way, and I smiled as I jogged to catch him, watching as Kei easily got ahead of both of us.

I got closer and closer to him, and I pouted when he made it through the door before me, and I started to slow down. Or at least try. I blanched as my feet tripped over themselves as I reached the doorway, and I let out a squeak as the ground neared closer to my face. I squeezed my (e/c) eyes shut, and waited for the collision. But it never came. I suddenly became awear of the warm arms grabbing onto my shoulders, and I slowly opened an eye, glancing up at my savior.

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