Gohan x Reader; The Great Saiya What Now?

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Prompt; "I don't know what the protocol is for revealing your secret identity, so hi? Surprise?"

Request; Vampair

Warnings; like, two curse words

Word Count; 678 words

Notes; I know Orange Star High School does't have the cliche anime uniforms, but for this, pretend they do. This one wasn't as good as some of my others, and I acknowledge that, so apologies. Also, sorry if this was short. Anyway, hope you enjoy it.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

I ran through the streets of Hercule City, my backpack thumping on my back as I went. The piece of toast I had made for breakfast as flopping up and down from it's position; hanging out of my mouth, eating it as I ran. My school uniform swayed in the breeze, especially the navy blue skirt, that was way too short for my liking, and I was lucky I always wore a pair of black shorts under them. I finished my piece of toast, and my pace picked up from a light jog to a dead sprint. When I reached Orange Star High School, I checked my watch.

I was about a half hour early, but the school always had kids coming in early because of how far away they lived, so the doors where always open. This was one of the few times I mad managed to get here before the first bell, so I headed to my usual spot. The roof was always quite because there was no one there, except me. I slid my backpack off my shoulders, and sat down. I let out a sigh.

"Man.... I am winded..." I breathed, "And hungry."

I pulled out one of the snacks I had stowed away in my backpack for moments like this. I took a bite out of the (f/f) and stared at the sky. It was a bright blue colour today, and there wasn't many clouds. My eyes focused on a black dot in the blue sky, and I tilted my head.

"A bird?" I questioned, still staring at it.

It got larger, and closer.

"Nope, not a bird." I squinted at it, and it soon came into the shape of a person. They were wearing black body tights with a green top gi, with white gloves and boots, a red cape with an orange and black helmet that covered everything but the chin and mouth. I watched as the person landed on the roof and touched a watch and the suit changed into the school uniform, and I saw it was a Son Gohan, my friend since, a long time ago or something like that.

I gaped at him in shock. He turned and his face paled when he saw me, and I could practically see the comical sweat drop. His coffee brown eyes glanced around, and his hand went to the back of his neck, scratching it in nervously.

"I don't know what the protocol is for revealing your secret identity, so hi? Surprise?" I stared at him for a few more seconds, before I shook my head, my (h/l) (h/c) hair swishing back and forth as I came back to the land of the living.

"Holy shit! You were flying, and wearing those clothes, and then you pushed the watch, and your clothes went back to normal!!! Holy shit!" I rambled to myself. Then I looked back up at him.

"You just flew to school. You learn to do that or..?" I asked circling him, my quickly attention jumping over to a different topic, becoming more interested. He seemed shocked for a moment, and seemed to become even more nervous than he was before, if that was possible.

"Yeah." Gohan said after a moment of silence between the two of us.

"Anyone can learn to fly?" I asked, continuing to push deeper into the subject.

"Yeah." He said again.

"Sooo, you could teach me?" I asked curiously, giving him my best puppy dog eyes, something I did every so often. Gohan sighed, a defeated look on his face.

"Yeah." He said with the same defeated tone that his face showed.

"Yessssss!" I cheered, jumping around excitedly. "No more walking to school!" My friend let out another sigh, and I latched onto his arm.

"You better teach me, Monkey Boy!" I threatened, using the nickname I had given him. He rolled his brown eyes at me.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." We were both shocked back in reality by the bell.

"Oh shit! The bell! We gotta go!"

Yeah, this one was a little rushed and I admit, it sucks a little bit. But hopefully, my next one will be much MUCH better than this one.

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