Piccolo x Reader; There's A Hole In My Barn

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Prompt; "Why aren't you afraid of me?" "Seriously? I have worse nightmares about failing AP Chem."

Request; none

Warnings; lots of swearing and a hot green namekian with a resting daddy voice

Word Count; 1,903 words (Fook this is long)

Notes; So in the show, I think Piccolo is only, like, 8 yrs old, but I'm not entirely sure, so eh, what the fuk, so I'm making him around 17ish and (Y/n) is 15. This one takes place in the first season of DBZ when Piccolo is training Gohan, say, maybe, a two months give or take before Vegeta and Nappa arrive on Earth. Enjoy.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

"Have a nice day Mr. Avner!" I called to the bus driver. He was a middle aged man with greying blonde hair and green eyes. His face had wrinkles, mostly around the eyes and mouth, from smiling too much. He has been the bus driven for a good 3 years, and I knew him well. I was always the first one on the bus, so I got a seat in the front to talk to him after school.

I was also the last student to get off the bus.

"Ha! You too (Y/n)!" he called his slight Jersey accent showing. I hopped off the last step and I waved to him as the door closed and started making my way down the long, dirt driveway to the farmhouse my family owned. I whistled as I pulled out the key and stepped inside. My parents were out of town for a while, so it was just me and Tramp.

Speaking of Tramp, the grey and white mutt came running towards me, his paws sliding on the mud room tiles. I gave his head a pat, setting my school bag on the ground. I got a running start down the hall and slid into the kitchen, pulling the fridge door open. I pulled out a (f/d) and a bag of (f/f). I grabbed my sketch book and some other assorted art supplies and climbed the stairs that led onto the roof, Tramp eagerly following me.

I opened the (f/d) and took a drink, and opened the bag of (f/f) and handed one to Tramp, who gladly accepted it. I pulled out my phone and turned on my music, and started my playlist; video game trap remixes. I nodded my head to the beat and pulled out a pencil and opened my sketchbook to a new, clean white page. I stared out at the open fields and lake on the property, biting on my pencil.

"Hmmmm, what should I draw..?" I asked aloud.

I drew a line, and then stopped with a groan.

"Fuuuck! I don't know what to draw!" I flopped onto my back, staring up at the sky. Tramp was snoozing peacefully next to me, when he suddenly sat up, whining.

"Huh? Wut up, Tramp?"

I sat up in time to see a blur of green, purple, and white whoosh past the house, and into the barn. The whoosh of air blew my (h/l) (h/c) hair into my face, and I spat out a strand of hair.

"What the fresh fuckin' hell was that?!" I shouted, standing up. I jumped down the many flights of stairs and out of the house, towards the barn. There was a decent sized hole in the roof, and when I opened the barn doors, dust wafted out of the building.

I coughed, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Hello? Anyone there? Anything there?" My question was answered with a loud groan.

"Holeeee shite!" I stumbled around a bit before running into to barn.

I followed the noise to the hay stacks, and when I glanced up, I saw the hole in the roof. There were a few boards still hung from the hole and the rest where on top of the hay. I stepped closer, and I jumped when a hand burst through the debris.

"Oh FuCk!" I calmed my nerves, and then stepped forwards again.

There, climbing out of the hay and from under the planks, was a seven foot tall green man. He had pointy elf-like ears, and his eyes were a a dark brown. So dark in fact, they almost looked like coal. He was wearing a white turban and cape, and his pants and sleeveless shirt were a pretty shade of purple separated by a blue belt, and I noted that his arms were fucking ripped and had these strange red and pink patches. I stopped analysing the stranger, and when I looked up, his dark eyes were boring into my (e/c) orbs.

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