Jheece x Neko!Reader; Woof, Imma Cat

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Prompt; "woof" "You're a cat, you idiot." *knocks over vase* "woof mother fucker"

Request; none

Warnings; cursing

Word Count; 1,195 words (dam these things are getting longer these days)

Notes; Being totally honest here, Jheese(or Jeice) was my favourite of the Ginyu Force, probably him being a Space Aussie. To clear some things up before we get started, (Y/n) is an Alien species called the Catortas (I made this up), and are space nekos, essentially, specialise in stealth and espionage. Also, your ears and tails are either red, black, brown or blonde, and I suggest choosing a colour that either goes with, or is the same colour of your hair, and it will be (y/c) AKA your choice. This has been a friendly PSA, enjoy!

~(Y/n)'s POV~

I padded through the hallways, towards Lord Freeza's room. I steeled my nerves when I reached the door, my (y/c) ears pinned against my head. I reached forwards and knocked gently on the door.

"Come in." Lord Freeza's voice called through the door. I opened the door, and when I glanced up, his back was facing me.

"You called for me, Lord Freeza?" He turned to face me, a small smile on his lips.

"Ah, yes, (Y/n). Glad you came." He said, and I have him a small bow, "I called you here for a job." I tilted my head in a question, my tail swaying slightly.


"I want you to test out the security on my ship. I've been told you're the best stealth officer on it." I blushed a little at his compliment. It was a high compliment coming from Lord Freeza, even if it was a small one. I nodded vigorously.

"Um, yeah, I can do it! No problem." I said, rubbing the back of my head.

"Good. You'll start as soon as the Ginyu Force gets here."

"The Ginyu Force?" I asked, my tail poofing out a little. I had heard about them from just about everyone I knew on Freeza's ship, and I've seen them around in the cafeteria before. A knock on the door shook me from my thoughts.

"Come in." When the door opened, I saw five silhouettes.

I watched as they stepped into the light.

I watched as they stepped into the light

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