Vegeta x Doctor!Reader; Live Saver Prt 2

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Prompt; "You're not a solider, you're a doctor." "I'm an army doctor, which means I can break every bone in your body while naming them."

Request; Vampair

Warnings; cursing

Word Count; 847

Notes; Eyyy, part two of Life Saver. I had to make it two parted because this shit was gettin loooong. Apologise. But anyways, enjoy this second part, and Imma try not to make it as long as the first part.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

I set down the man, whom I know as Vetega, onto the bed Bulma had led me to, I pulled out a pocket knife and cut the clothes off of his broken leg. I turned to Goku and Bulma.

"You guys might wanna wait outside for a bit." I said. Bulma nodded, and dragged a clueless Goku along with her, closing the door.

"Not gonna lie, but this is gonna hurt." I told the unconscious man, before I set his leg in place.

He let out a scream and I winced. Yeah. Saw that coming.

~Mini Time Skip~

I had finished cleaning up Vegeta, and I plopped down into the chair next to his bed, wiping off my brow.

"Damn," I breathed, "I have got my work cut out for me if you're why Bulma hired me." I gave a dry chuckle, rubbing at my eyes. I yawned.

"I guess a small nap couldn't hurt anything..." I didn't get to finish cuz I was out of it faster than a dirty child being told they had to take a bath.

~Bulma's POV~

I turned to Goku once (Y/n) had ordered the two of us out of the room.

"What the hell happened in there?" I asked him. He opened his mouth to answer, but was cut off by the scream the erupted from the room, and the uttered apologise and curses from the (h/c)ed female. I turned back to black haired male, waiting for an explanation.

"Well, 'Geta and I were training, and I used Kamehameha, and instead of dodging it, he countered it with his own, and it exploded." He said, his brown eyes guilty. I sighed.

"Well you guys are gonna have to hold off training for awhile until I can get the Gravity Chamber fixed." I said, rubbing my face. We started going over the blueprints for the said room in my head while we were waiting until Goku tapped my shoulder.

"Um, Bulma, do you think we can go in now? They've been in there for awhile..." he said, trailing off, pointing back at the room.

I thought for a second before nodding. I opened the door, and I smiled, at the sight before me. Vegeta was patched up and still unconscious in the bed, and (Y/n) was sitting in the chair next to him, fast asleep. I started pulling Goku back out.

"Let's let them sleep for a little bit."

~(Y/n)'s POV~

I woke up slowly, my eyes bleary. 'What happened..? Oh right, boom...'

"Wake up, woman!" My (e/c) eyes snapped open, and I jumped up slightly. My eyes were met with a pair of midnight blue(almost black) ones, and it took me a moment to realise Vegeta was awake. 

"Oh, you're awake, that's good," I said, slumping back down into my seat.

"Of course I'm awake, now who are you?" Oh yeah, I hadn't introduced myself yet.

"I'm (Y/n) (L/n). Bulma hired me, and I'm the one who patched you up," I said, trying not to laugh at the fact my half asleep ass thought it would be funny to give him Hello Kitty band aids.

He rolled his eyes, huffing.

"Well then answer me this, woman. How am I supposed to get around with my leg in this contraption of yours?" He asked, motioning at the cast on his leg.

"That, my dear friend, is a cast because you broke your leg, it's gonna keep it in the right spoke until it's healed. And you can get around in...this!" I said, pulling up a wheelchair. He scoffed.

"I will do no such thing."

I rolled my eyes. I picked him up and plopped him down into it, and his face was so utterly betrayed and I gave a laugh. I pulled out a Sharpie and signed my name on his cast.

"What are you doing that for?" he asked. I put away the marker and started pushing him towards the elevator.

"I signed your cast. It's a thing people do." When the doors to Bulma's lab opened, I saw Goku look up.

"Hey! You're both awake!" he said, smiling brightly.

"Yep!" Bulma and I conversed a bit, before Goku spoke up.

"Hey (Y/n)?"


"How did you know what to do? Patching us up, I mean." I chuckled.

"I told you, I was in the army."

"Oh so that's why your so well trained." I nodded. Vegeta scoffed again. That seems to be his thing.

"Impossible. Your a doctor not a solider. I know that much."

I rolled my eyes, bending down next to him.

"I'm an army doctor, which means I can break all of your bones while naming them." I said, smiling at him creepily. That seemed to shut him up. I stood straight again, and yelled back at Bulma, "Let me know when you need help rebuilding that room of yours. I'll see you guys later!" I grabbed my coat and left.

Man this is gonna be one hell of a fucking day job.

Alright two parts already! And as always Like, Vote and Comment on the parts you like!

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