Drunk Information's; Freiza x Beerus' Daughter!Reader

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Prompt; "That's my girlfriend, suckers!" "You're wife, actually." "My wiFE! EVEN BETTER!"

Request: this was requested by the lovely EstelaTorres182 on Wattpad

Warnings: cursing

Word Count: 1,338 word (Fuk dis is long)

Notes: Alright, here's the deal (Y/n) looks alot like Beerus, just whatever color you want it to be. I made up Hijinsai and Ransi, so you might see them again in other drabbles. And sorry if Beerus and Frieza seem a little ooc. Anyways, hope you all like it!

~(Y/n)'s POV~

"Be safe!" I rolled my (e/c) eyes at my father, my (f/c) ears flicking in annoyance.

"Father," I whined, turning to look at the God of Destruction, "I'll be with my friends, and Freiza won't let anything happen to me." His eyes narrowed at the name of the Icejin.

"You may trust him, but you're my baby girl, and if he so much as looks at you funny he'll wish he'd never existed."

"Whiz, please tell him I'll be fine," The Angel looked up from his book at the two of us, and sighed.

"Lord Beerus, I'm sure (Y/n) will be fine; she's a Godess of Destruction, same as you. She can handle herself."

"Thank you Whiz." He nodded and went back to reading.

My father sighed, before leaning down and giving me a hug.

"Be careful, please." I grinned at him.

"I will." I pecked his cheek before taking off towards my destination.

Beerus stared after his daughter for a good moment before sighing.

"She's growing up so fast..."

~Mini Time Skip~

I dusted off my clothes before walking into the bar where my friends where. I resisted the urge to cough as smoke wafted into my face. I quickly spotted my group in the corner talking and laughing. I sauntered my way over to them, and wrapped my arms around Frieza's neck, giving him a light peck on the cheek.

"Hey, baby~!" I purred, nuzzling my face into the Icejin's neck.

"(Y/n)! I was beginning to think you weren't coming." he teased as I took the seat next to him. I rolled my eyes, watching my tail, swish across the floor.

"You know how my father is..."

"Yeah, and that's why we're not gonna say anything," (R/n) laughed, already drunk. (R/n) had been my best friend for as long as I could remember, and was the God of Destruction of Universe 20. Next to him was the leader of Frieza's army, Rasni, a ruthless Saiyain and a hard drinker. And last but not least, Hijinsai, the- actually, none of us actully know what they are, but we like them so....

"Did I miss anything fun?" I asked, watching as (R/n) thudded his head on the table.

"Aye, ya missed the bar fight. Was glorious!" Rasni said, raising her glass into the air. I laughed, and looked up when the waiter arrived.

"What can I get for you today?" he asked, sending me a wink. I smiled back, feeling the aura of darkness named Frieza start to get pissed off.

"Can I get a Red Viper and a Bloodie Mary."

"Sure thing, sweet cheeks." he smiled at me, before walking away with the order. I spared a quick glance at Frieza, who looked about ready to slit someone's throat, and had to hide the low chuckle in my throat. Soon the waiter came back with our drinks and sat them down; Bloody Mary for Frieza, and a Red Viper for me.

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